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Phylas, the symbol of power and might. Prayed to by all those who wish to gain power, Phylas represnts the might within everyone. Those who follow him show their devotion by proving themselves, whether it is through the might of their bodies or the might of their minds, all shows of power are appreciated.   Cultures that follow him believe that might is what grants power over others, and thus while most depict him as an Elf, other races depict him as one of their own. He is always seen with a mace, and thus is one of the favored weapons of the Orcs and Dragonborn, along with any weapon that is seen as heavy or cumbersome.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

An oak tree, a mace, a lion, a horse.

Tenets of Faith

That might is what grants power over others.
Divine Classification
Minor God


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