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The Kal'Utan are the unification of the 16 remaining tribes of Dragonborn that inhabit The Great Bosque Forest. Tribes of noticeable of importance:
Dragon Born Forest.jpg
  • The 'Lock - Binders
  • The 'Kal - Hunters
  • The 'Bal - Healers
  • The 'Gonal - Soldiers
  • The 'Balon - Gardener
  • The 'Ul - Knowledge Bearers
  • The 'Kutal - Makers
  • The 'Tudol - Tamers
  • The 'Utaj- Traders
  • The 'Poul - Artists
  • The 'Yual - Protectors
While orginally, there were 26 tribes, this number began to shrink due to the cruel and unforgiving nature of the Great Forest. Many tribes would fall, either to disease, infighting or angering the Guardian of the Garden, Calathorn. However, the last of these tribes to fall was the 'Kulta, during the period of unification caused by the might Forest Leviathan Utan. After Utan was defeated, the clans united under the name of Kal'Utan, or Hunters of Utan.   While originally only consisting of these 16 tribes, as Bosque was opened up to the world, more and more wayward Dragonborn made their way to their homeland. Now, the Kal'Utan consists of many different races, however the most prominent one will always be Dragonborn. These days Kal'Utan is sought after for their knowledge in medical experience and their various tamed beasts.   However, many disputes under the Kal'Utan are settled by trials of combat, paying homage to their ancestors who had to fight every day of their lives. As it is said only the strong have the right to pave the way for the weak.   While their true name is the Kal'Utan, many have turned to any reference of them as simply the Bosque when talking about those who inhabit the forest.


For thousands of years, the Kal'Utan have been lead by a 'Lock, their longevity and mastery of Binding magic making them one of the most powerful protectors of the Forest and the inhabitants within. Their longevity granting them a wisdom few individuals will ever reach, granting the ruler the name of Lulan, or Guiding Star. Under the current ruler, all of the original 16 clans rule together to make decisions that aren't handled by the Lulan.

Public Agenda

The Kal'Utan are content with keeping the forest protected, as well as protecting any of those who call it home. With many Kal'Utan having never left the forest.


The Kal'Utan have many medicinal and herbal remedies, with most of their trade coming from the many natural resources that can be found within the forest, either being plants or animals in most cases.


The Kal'Utan worship Phylas so that he may grant them the power to lead, Palith so that they may always have food, Cilla so that they may never waver in battle and Themis to grant them the safety within their forest.

Might makes Right


  • Bosque
Founding Date
3000 Years before the Age of Sorrows
Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Hunters of Utan, Bosque
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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