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The Shian Dire Lands

With a cold only beaten by the Frozen Wastes, Shia is the land north of the Cagosian mountains. The land of ice and snow is untamed, the Shian Tribes that inhabit it barely managing to survive on a daily basis. Frequent snow storms, packs of dire wolves and even dragons scour the land.   While mostly bare and scarce, Shia contains many strange wonders. The Rueng Pillars are renowned for their beauty during summer months, the Frozen Forests are a mystery many have tried to solve and ancient old cities are said to hide beneath the ice, remnants of a lost civilization.


Many have tried to document the Shian landscape. The lands seem to constaly shift and change as ice melts, freezes and melts once more; causing a true map of Shia to be missing. Ancient accounts of the landscape have helped in some of the gaps, but only those who live in the lands themselves can offer guidance here.   The frozen lake Hvítna and the mountain range that stretches northward are the only landmarks which explorers have to guide themselves. Freezing forests and small islands pocket the land south most of Shia.    Líkami island is filled with temperate forests, seemingly having escaped the harsh cold of the mainland.


Shia was once known to have a more temperate weather like Cagosia down south. Sometime before the second age however, with the creation of the Frozen Wastes, Shia quickly froze over into the icy hellscape that it is today. It is presumed that there was once a people that inhabited the land before the Shians, but there has been no trace of them.


  • Shia
Alternative Name(s)
The Ice Lands
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

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