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Shia is the name given to the numerous tribes that call the Shian lands their home. Different tribes from the cold forests of the south to the frigid tips of the Frozen Wastes to the west pocket the land.   Each one a proud and hardy people, they live in a constant state of selfish interest; there are not enough resources to share amongst themselves. Past grudges, wars and personal gains have kept the tribes seperated since their arrival to these lands.


Different and unique tribes pocket the lands, each having created their own settlment. Boxed in by their southern neighbors, they resort to countless struggles to claim land and food.    Countless tribe chieftans have emerged and attempted to unite the Shian people, each has failed as the beliefs amongt them are too varied and prideful. Even split, the Horga tribe are one of the few strong enough to unify them towards singular goals; such as wars declared for food and resources on Cagosia. Such coalitions quickly fall apart after their goal is achieved.


After the Collapse it is assumed that the people who had supported the Catran Empire were exiled to the north.    Whatever connection the Shian people had to Cagosia has long since been lost, their tribe like nature and separation assimilating their beliefs with time. Occasionally tribe leaders will rile up the people with claiming what was once theirs; leading into the series of invasions on Cagosia.


  • Shia
Geopolitical, Tribe
Alternative Names
Ice Savages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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