The Hyrmann Dukedom Organization in Folde | World Anvil
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The Hyrmann Dukedom

First rewarded to Selrorha Forestarm for service rendered by her mercenary company. She moved into her lands and took ownership, settling many of her mercenary group in the lands she was provided. She also offered any other mercenary land if the swore fealty. When her fledgling domain came under attack from a much larger domain, her lands were filled with veterans of many battles. She also used her reputation as a mercenary captain to call upon many other mercenary groups, with promises of wealth and land. The war was over quickly. Battle hardened troops proved overwhelming to the levies and knights of the other domain. Selrorha had basically made her own barony.   This process continued, attacking and being attacked until she had her own duchy. At this point she had a so many veterans on her side and was in very good standing with many mercenary companies. Once she was secured, she made sure her new realm was secure and stable. As she had no heir, she choose one of her lieutenants, Sazna Cindershield, and took her under her wing. Sazna was intelligent and cunning, which Selrorha knew was needed in running a domain. Selrorha made sure Sanza was ready for the role of Duchess. Selrorha actually felt confident toward the end of her life that she abdicated the throne, allowing Sanza to take control. Selrorha, retired to an estate and spent the rest of her days in peace.   Sanza turned out to be a capable ruler. While the Duchy didn't expand very much on her rule, she built on the foundations and made the Hyrmann Dukedom in to what still exists for the most part to this day. She fortified the borders and waged a few small wars to show the her Duchy was still a force to be reckoned with. The most influential role she had was nationalizing a couple of the mercenary groups, making a standing army that the Dukedom call on in times of war and rent out to other domains, bringing in much needed revenue. This group was often commanded by Sanza's descendants.   The Hyrmann Duchy is very friendly to mercenary groups, it is basically part of the culture. Many mercenary groups spend down time in the Duchy, recuriting and resting. They all pay homage to the sitting Duchess.   While the Duchy is not expanding through conquest, it is expanding in the wildlands, sending settlers to the area.   The Duchy also boosts one of the most well renown military academies, known as Forestarm War Academy, in honor of the Duchy's founder. Many knights and would be merccenary officers go to Academy.
Geopolitical, Duchy


Hyrmann and the Magelaw have had no large conflicts between the two. The Magelaw even hired mercenary companies from the Hyrmann Dukedom as it expand before it was a duchy.


The Hyrmann Dukedom has been around a while and has not attempted to change the balance of power with the royal duchy.

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