
Gigralgos' Inhabitance

The ruins of Stratos were once a mighty cloud giant stronghold and settlement before the even mightier adult black dragon Gigralgos took up residence after claiming it as his in a mighty battle. The dragon now had all of Stratos' wealth and buildings to himself. He was eventually slain by the hero Alurora Penteller and the twin cloud giants Siniri and Kylnon. Siniri and Kylnon were descended from the original cloud giants of Stratos, and had Alurora slay the dragon alongside them as one of her samurai trials. By this time Gigralgos was an ancient dragon.

The Joining

On 6/2/1492 DR, Stratos was conjoined with The City of Light and became the Black Dragon District and the Four Heroes District. The keep would become Narlen's Angels', and the wealth was split between the Angels and the cloud giant siblings. The cloud giant architecture is still very visible scattered throughout the districts, and some buildings were rebuilt to their former glory.
Parent Location


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