Sylphie Suncatcher

Princess of Evermeet

The young daughter born of the controversial relationship between Queen Solana Suncatcher and Lamruil Moonflower. Solana was acting as a naval general at the time of conception and Lamruil was still recovering from the disappearance of his mother, Amlaruil Moonflower. Many see it as a marriage of convenience, since Lamruil did not see himself fit to rule and Solana was very vocal about her opposition to the stagnancy of the military in the face of a crisis wrought world. Nevertheless, Sylphie was raised under strict rules as her mother had many enemies since her rule was opposed so heavily.  

The Attack

Despite the royal guard's watchfulness, in 1492 DR, when Sylphie was fourteen, her carriage was the target of a terrorist attack, the magics of which rendered her spirit from her body in some way, and destroyed her left leg from the knee down. This attack is heavily speculated to have something to do with Kymil Nimessin, long-time opposer of the Moonflower family and moon elf royalty in general. The truth is yet to be found.

Alurora's Inhabitation

In 1493 DR, after the defeat of Nezznar and the Dragon of the Stones, Alurora Penteller's soul was ripped from her body as Nezznar took over her's. Alurora's soul was jetted into her younger half-sister's comatose body, whom she had never met nor had any knowledge of.       D&DBeyond Character Sheet


Sylphie Suncatcher

Half-sister (Vital)

Towards Alurora Penteller



Alurora Penteller

Half-sister (Vital)

Towards Sylphie Suncatcher



Year of Birth
1478 DR
Alurora Penteller (Half-sister)


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