Valindra Shadowmantle

Valindra Shadowmantle is one of the most well known and feared wizards in all of Faerûn. She is best known for her assault on Neverwinter, her campaign involving The Dread Ring, and her defeats at the hands of The Heroes of Sleeping Dragon Bridge. Indeed, the group formed of the most unlikely allies that witnessed her atrocities firsthand were able to band together and thwart her grasps of power, eventually drving her from Neverwinter altogether. She hates no one more than them.     In late 1491 DR, she was tasked with the discovery of the Soulmonger and was found by Syndra Silvane's adventuring party at the Heart of Ubtao. Despite the actions of Artus Cimber and Annette, who were not planning on letting the lich live, Giancarlo Andriates and Stormhide were able to diffuse the situation. She decided to share some of her knowledge of the region, spell scrolls, and even the location of Omu, the rumored location of the Soulmonger. All this information was not given purely out of the goodness of her heart, as she planned on using the adventurers to carve a path for her Red Wizards to follow, and the spell scrolls might help expediate that. Despite knowing her true identity, Giancarlo found himself enthralled by the woman and ended up staying longer than the rest of his party, who ended up pressing on without him. They shared knowledge and eventually used her magic circle to head back to Thay where they... fraternized. Smooth talk was the only thing that got the young tiefling out of the entire situation alive.


  Forgotten Realms Wiki Page   Neverwinter Game Wiki Page
Neutral Evil
Current Status
Overseeing Thayan operations in Chult
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Overwizard Master of the North Tower
Year of Birth
1225 DR
The High Forest
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Shawn Wood


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