Vevette Blackwater

Vevette was a vicious pirate before she joined the Zhentarim in Waterdeep and rose to become one of Manshoon’s favored lieutenants. The cleric ofHelm, Brildi, spared her life outside of the Vault of Dragons, and offered that she leave the criminal life behind and join her in Helm's Hold. Vevette was very concerned that she would be hunted by her guild, but took the cleric's gauntleted hand nonetheless, against her better judgment.   From then on, Brildi always kept her by her side. When Brildi was made Speaker, she appointed Vevette as a councilmember. Vevette sometimes misses the wild life of pirating, but has found a meaingful relationship in Brildi and the trust of Helm’s Hold.   In the summer of 1492, Brildi was contacted by a follower of Torm who notified her of Elturel's disappearance and requested her presence in Baldur's Gate. Expecting not to be gone longer than a tenday, Brildi delegated her duties to Vevette and rode off towards Waterdeep once more. This gesture of courage in her cemented Vevette's loyalty to her and her city.   Official Forgotten Realms Wiki Article


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