Halruaan (HAL-ruh-AAH-n)

The people of the mysterious and magical kingdom of Halruaa, the Halruaans are touched by magic, and many of them are talented in the Art. They and their land vanished during the Spellplague, but just as mysteriously returned after the second Sundering. Most Halruaans have blond or dark hair and olive complexions. Black, brown, and green eyes are the most common.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aithe, Chalan, Oloma, Phaele, Sarade

Masculine names

Aldym, Chand, Meleghost, Presmer, Sandrue, Uregaunt

Family names

Avhoste, Darante, Maurmeril, Stamaraster


Culture and cultural heritage

Nearly all Halruaans are lovers of magic, especially arcane magic. In fact, they have the strongest magic traditions of any of the human races of Faerûn. The average Halruaan is wealthy, and they care very much about appearances, dressing in flashy, colourful, flamboyant garb as well as the possession of exotic pets. They tend to be a happy lot and enjoyed treating each other with all kinds of pleasantries.   In contrast, Halruaans are often very suspicious of foreigners with anxieties about having their magical secrets stolen. They rarely desire to travel far from their homes and those that do are almost exclusively arcane spellcasters.
Male Halruaan
Female Halruaan
Encompassed species
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