
Goblins are a race of small and numerous goblinoids common throughout Toril, often living in underground caverns near the surface known as lairs. The race is often, though not always, dominated by other goblinoids, most commonly hobgoblins or bugbears.

Goblins usually stand between 3′4″‒3′8″ (1‒1.1 m) and weigh about 40‒55 lb (18‒25 kg) on average. They have flat faces, sloped back forehead, broad noses, pointed ears, and small, sharp fangs. Their eyes vary in color from red to yellow. Their skin color ranges from yellow to any shade of orange to a deep red, though they also come in shades of green. All members of the same tribe normally share the same skin color

Goblins typically dress in dark leathers soiled by poor hygiene and colored in a similar range of tones to their skin.

Like other goblinoids, goblins often have a short temper, and are more easily provoked than individuals of most other races. They often find it difficult to overcome this short fuse, and have a sense of greed that makes it difficult for them to act altruistically. They also generally take sadistic pleasure in exacting revenge once crossed.

Young goblins are taught from an early age to rely only on themselves, and that to survive, they needed to be aggressive and ruthless. To a goblin, it doesn't seem logical to treat others as well or better than you would treat yourself; rather, they believe in preemptively removing potential rivals before they can become a threat. Expatriated goblins sometimes try to recreate the circumstances of their culture, preying on the weaknesses of others in non-goblin communities.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Eye colors: Yellow to Red

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Goblin society is tribal by nature, generally led by the strongest (and sometimes smartest) around, who normally have access to the best weapons. Leaders among the race often come to power through betrayal or aggression rather than by more peaceful means, or as clerics of the goblin gods. Because of the violent nature of goblin culture, it is not uncommon for goblins to come under the domination of individuals from a larger, more physically powerful culture, most typically larger goblinoids such as hobgoblins or bugbears.

Goblins have little concept of privacy, living and sleeping in large communal areas with only the leaders living separately in their own private chambers. As such, goblin lairs are often stinking or soiled, though easily defended when under assault and layered with simple traps. The innermost chambers of goblin lairs are usually the most densely-populated and well-defended. Goblin settlements are often filled with young goblin children, though young goblins often do not outnumber adults since their lives are at least as dangerous as their forebears.

Goblin by Wizards of the Coast
40-60 years
Average Height
Average Weight
40-55 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin colors: Yellow to Red


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