
Hobgoblins are larger, stronger, smarter, and more menacing forms of goblinoid than goblins, but are not as powerful as bugbears.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Hobgoblins are mostly found in communities where they are in command of either goblins or bugbears, or sometimes both. The most civilized goblinoid communities are ruled by the race. This was in large part because hobgoblin society is more industrious and less savage than that of goblins or bugbears. Though bugbears sometimes take control due to their raw strength, most such communities are ruled over by the strongest hobgoblin, who serves as the warchief.

Hobgoblins have had a long tradition of mastering and breeding the creatures of the world into slaves of various sorts. Many, for instance, enjoy working with wolves or worgs. Similarly, many drake breeds were first bred by hobgoblins. Some even believe hobgoblins carried on this practice within their own race, creating the goblins and bugbears.

Hobgoblins are vehemently protective of their tribe's reputation and military status, so much so that meetings between different groups can turn violent if proper protocol is not followed. However, though hobgoblin tribes are territorial and egotistical in nature, they sometimes unite for a common purpose, such as war against non-goblinoids.

Facial characteristics

Hair Colors: Dark brown, Dark gray, Orange, or Red
Hobgoblin Warlord by Wizards of the Coast
Average Height
5 - 6 ft.
Average Weight
150 - 200 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin Color: Orange to Reddish brown


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