Northwest Faerûn

Northwest Faerûn, generally referred to as the North or the Savage North, is a region of Faerûn full of untamed wilderness, wracked with difficult winter weather, and home of many hardy folks and fearsome beasts. In spite of this reputation, the North is home to three of the greatest cities in all of Faerûn: Neverwinter, Jewel of the North, Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, and Silverymoon, Gem of the North.

The inhabitants of areas further south, in West Faerûn, describe this area in condescension as "the Savage North," which was a reference to the Savage Frontier and a time when its inhabitants were less civilized.



This region encompasses the lands north of the Spine of the World mountains, including the coastal region of the Cold Run, Icewind Dale and its Ten Towns, the island of the Ice Peak and the Sea of Moving Ice. While it was sparsely populated, it was the home of hale frontiersman, desperate runaways and the fierce Reghed barbarians.

Spine of the World: While these wide-reaching mountains comprise a significant part of the Frozenfar, they extend far east beyond its borders, to the Ice Spires in the Silver Marches.

High Forest

This vast, densely-forested region is located just a bit ways west of the Anauroch desert. These ancient woodlands are home to elves, centaurs, satyrs, wild creatures and many mysteries. At its heart were the towering Star Mounts, and the Unicorn Run which flowed from within.

Savage Frontier

The great untamed lands that attract outdoorsmen and pioneers alike encompass the Fallen Lands in the east; the Delimbiyr Vale, which stretches along the eastern and southern borders of the High Forest; and the Dessarin Valley, which rests along its western trees. It includes the great River Dessarin, and the great many frontier settlements that have popped up in the fertile lands that surround.

Silver Marches

This confederation, formally known as Luruar, was formed from a defensive alliance of humans, elves, and dwarves in the mountainous area to the north of the High Forest. At its center is the city of Silverymoon, a place of learning and magic. Politically, it includes the cities of Sundabar, Everlund, Mithral Hall, Citadel Adbar, and geographically sits atop the drow city of Menzoberranzan and the Fardrimm region of the Underdark.

Sword Coast North


The wild coast north of Waterdeep contains the cities of Luskan and Neverwinter, as well as the dangerous Mere of Dead Men, the Sword Mountains, and the enchanted Neverwinter Woods. The Trade Way runs along the length of the coast from Luskan to far south of Waterdeep. This barely tamed-region is protected by a partnership of the northern cities and towns known as the Lords' Alliance.

Utter North

While this vast expanse continues well beyond northwest Faerûn, the icy wastes north of the Spine of the World comprise the western section of the Endless Ice Sea, the unexplored Reghed Glacier, and the Valley of Khedrun, along with a few scattered landmarks.


  • Northwest Faerûn
Alternative Name(s)
The North
The Savage North
Location under
Included Locations

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