Aboleth Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Aboleth (/ˈæboʊlɛθ/ ÆB-o-leth)

Aboleths were a race of malevolent, eel-like aberrations with potent psionic abilities.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Aboleths were all hermaphroditic, possessing both male and female reproductive organs. When aboleths bred, they did so in private, laying roughly one to three eggs once every five years.

Growth Rate & Stages

When laid, the eggs gestated for the same five years before hatching into fully functional aboleths. Although these young aboleths are functionally adults, they typically remained with their parent for roughly a decade, obeying the elder aboleth without question before setting out on their own.


Aboleths were both extremely cruel and highly intelligent. As a result, they were among the most dangerous foes that existed in the multiverse. Holders of many terrible secrets thanks to their unique genetic memory, aboleths were born fully aware and with all the memories of their ancestors, making even the youngest aboleth a frighteningly deadly predator. They were well aware of their weaknesses, however, and would not attack land-bound foes if they considered it to their disadvantage.   Aboleths were utterly self-centered as a race; they knew they were among the first beings in existence, and saw all things as theirs, having a particular loathing for land-dwelling creatures. They were greatly unsettled by the similarly powerful mind flayers, in part because they lacked knowledge of the race's precise origins.   Wholly alien but dangerously intelligent, aboleths were among the most powerful creatures in all of the known multiverse and, although often removed from human affairs, they did not hesitate at any point to kill or use any unfortunate mortals who crossed their path.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Aboleths had powerful psionic powers and were natural psions like mind flayers and many other denizens of the Far Realm. However, aboleths had a much more fearsome ability, the capacity to secrete a viscous gray fluid, much like mucus, which brought about a terrible transformation in air-breathing creatures so unfortunate as to be caught in the fluid. The skin of the victim was transformed into a membrane that allowed it to breathe in water, and changed the creature's consciousness to that of a mindless servant. This allowed aboleths to keep slaves, known as aboleth servitors, which they dominated and kept captive through their mind. Only the most powerful aboleths could do this, however, completing the process through a powerful ritual.   Another strange feature of aboleths was their memory. An aboleth was born with a racial memory, each individual inheriting the memories of its ancestors. Furthermore, it assimilated the memories of those it consumed. Each aboleth's memories were stored within an ever-growing part of its brain that extended down its back as it aged. Aboleths enjoyed spending time lost in particularly fine memories of their ancestors, and if they had nothing better to do, they might relive entire portions of their forebears' lives.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Aboleth society was utterly alien in many ways to that of more familiar races, in part due to the racial memory all aboleths exhibited as well as their generally bizarre psyches. Some aboleths formed clusters known as "broods", ruled over by powerful "overseers." These broods were often accompanied by aboleth servitors or other minions, such as the Kuo-Toa who were known to sometimes serve the race.   Aboleths had no gods that they worshiped. While they acknowledged the presence and power of gods, they had memories of a time long before any modern gods were worshiped and recalled such gods' birth and often demises within their own lifetimes. They were not concerned with an afterlife since their perspective on death was to consider it a failure and they intended to live forever. Aboleths did, however, have a certain respect that sometimes approached reverence for the powerful beings known as elder evils.   Aboleths used the term boorm (meaning "flow") to indicate a period of time.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations


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