Sea of Fallen Stars Geographic Location in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Sea of Fallen Stars

The Sea of Fallen Stars, also known as the Inner Sea, was the largest inland body of water in Faerûn. Its major areas included the Dragonmere, also known as the Lake of Dragons, in the west; the Dragon and Easting Reaches in the north; the Alamber Sea Sea in the east; and the Vilhon Reach in the south.   The sea served as a crucial trade way for the powers of central and northern Faerûn and beyond. From Cormyr's Imperial Navy and Sembia's 15,000 sailors and corsairs in the west, to the small but hardy fleet of dozen Impilturan warships in the east, and the militia-navy of Turmish in the south, the waters of the Inner Sea were well-traveled by ships that flew the flags of coastal nations in central Faerûn.


The sea floor was covered with hundreds of shipwrecks.   The sea was large enough to feel tidal effects.   Under the waves on the bottom of the sea lay the realm of Serôs.  

Notable Locations

There were numerous islands in the Sea of Fallen Stars:   Alaor: A former Thayan island that gained its autonomy.
Pirate Isles: A group of about sixty rocky islands notable as the home of the pirates of the Inner Sea.
Isles of Prespur: A main island under Sembian control accompanied by the smaller unoccupied Traitor's Isle.
Whamite Isles: A small chain of islands once ruled by a great khan.
Ambral Isle
Myth Nantar:
Serôs: The underwater realm of the Merfolk, who were protected by the Nantari dukar.
The Sea of Fallen Stars had coastlines in many different lands, including Aglarond, Altumbel, Cormyr, Chessenta, Chondath, the Dalelands, Impiltur, Sembia, Mulhorand, Priador, Thay, Thesk, Turmish, Unther, and The Vast.

Fauna & Flora

The Sea of Fallen Stars was flush with aquatic wildlife. Some of the species of note were Raiks. Greater raiks were predatory and aggressive hook-jawed fish the size of an adolescent human. Their smaller kin, lesser raiks, were significantly less territorial and aggressive. Another dangerous creature that hid in the waters was a mottled sidi octopus, a fierce opponent larger than a greater raik in size.



Over the millennia, different creation myths regarding the sea spread across the Realms. One tale, which explained how the sea earned its name, was detailed in the book History of the Last March of the Giants. It said that the gods above sent a star crashing down to Abeir-Toril as a punishment for the arrogance of the titans. Entire continents were lost in the ensuing earthquakes, fires, and windstorms and the four centrally located seas of Faerûn merged together, forming the "Sea of Fallen Stars".   The true creation of the sea occurred ages ago, in the final years of the Days of Thunder, when the primordial Asgorath the World Shaper, along with the first dragons, were released from their imprisonment by the creator race known as the Batrachi. In an event known as the Tearfall, the deity hurled an ice moon down to the surface of Abeir-Toril, which wiped out the batrachi and formed the sea.   Sarrukh accounts dated around −31,000 DR mentioned a "changing of the stars" in relation to this event. Few knew what this really signified, but the fact was Ao created a duplicate of the planet, Abeir, and sent the new world to another realm, with different stellar cartography.Other written accounts note that during the time of its creation an avatar of the goddess Istishia was present.  

Pirate Wars

The Pirate Wars started in 1201 DR when the pirate lord Immurk died from a heart attack. Leaving his rough coalition to fall apart. Half a dozen pirates declared themselves to be the succesor of Immurk. During this time several of the most vicious pirates arrose to take the Dragonisle, the stronghold of Immurk. Urdogen “a red-haired hot-blooded bear of a man,” eventually came to dominate the Dragonisle. Once the internal warfare was over the pirates started raiding the the coastal villages and ships which could not be ignored by the Inner Sea Kingdoms.  

Time of Troubles

During the Time of Troubles, the chaotic evil goddess of the ocean Umberlee spent much of her time occupying the Sea of Fallen Stars. She caused widespread storms and destruction across many of the Pirate Isles. Following the return of her divine status, the Sea continued to be turbulent and often stormy. Circa 1366 DR, a group of merchant costers allegedly in league with the Iron Throne promoted an organized effort to appease her. In the years proceeding this effort the waters of the Sea became gradually calmer.  


On Tarsakh 29 1385 DR, the Spellplague hit Toril and greatly changed the landscape of the planet. Large openings erupted within the Underdark and large portions of the sea drained out beneath Toril's surface, greatly lowering the sea level over the next ten years. Coastal cities that once rested on the banks of the sea were made land-locked, and formerly submerged ruins and wrecks were subsequently exposed. One of such resurfaced islands was Hegruth, an Island with a tower that's been submerged in the Sea of Fallen Stars for millennia. The tower ruin of unknown origin and obscurity made it the perfect place for clandestine meetings. The island did not appear on any terrestrial maps.  

The Second Sundering and the Great Rain

During the Second Sundering in the autumn of 1485 DR, the Great Rain began to fall around the Sea of Fallen Stars and continued unceasingly for over a year. This constant storm caused massive floods; thousands perished from drowning, lightning strikes, or bursts of wind that capsized ships. By the time the rain abated, the Sea of Fallen Stars had swollen back to something approximating its former size, flooding vast tracts of land and numerous cities beneath the waves.
Inland Sea
Location under
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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