Akadi (/ɑːˈkɑːdi/ ah-KAH-dee)

Akadi , The Queen of Air

Akadi, was the embodiment of the element of air and goddess of elemental air, speed, and flying creatures. As an immortal being of freedom and travel, she instructed her followers to move as much as possible from place to place and from activity to activity.   Akadi was both the whispering wind and the turbulent tempest, sweet and moist at times while bitter and cold at others, her form changing with the seasons. In religious depictions she was often portrayed as a giant, blue, translucent woman with huge feathery wings that trailed away into the clouds. The Lady of the Winds was revered in both male and female aspects in different parts of the world, and the distinction between these representations made no difference to her faithful.[4]

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Air
Tempest Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

Before dawn, clerics of Akadi prayed for their divine spells so they were able to chant their incantations on the morning winds. The church of Akadi did not have many official holidays, and there was only one holy day of the order, which was Midsummer. Worshipers gathered in the Shaar, at the ruins of Blaskaltar, where the first shrine to Akadi was constructed. The ancient shrine itself was lost to many years of erosion by wind and rain. The chant of heroes of their faith was spoken, while new names were added to the list of those who had died during the past year.

Physical Description

Body Features

The Queen of Air's avatar usually appeared as a 160 feet (49 meters) tall column of swirling winds, reminiscent of (but not actually) a giant tornado reaching into the clouds. Her voice could range in volume from the slightest breeze to an insistent squall audible for miles in every direction.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Lady of Air,
Lady of the Winds,
Queen of Air


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