Chamber of Lost Lore Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Chamber of Lost Lore

Deep Beneath Candlekeep, past Miirym and the echoes, is a rough-hewn chamber lit by continual flame spells. Here, one can gain the power to contact the spirits of long-dead sages that are willing to share their insights and knowledge. High-ranking members of the Avowed make use of this chamber, but few seekers know of it.   Any creature that has an Intelligence of 8 or higher that spends 1 hour meditating in the chamber gains the ability to cast the contact other plane spell once, allowing the creature to commune with a spirit. The spell doesn't need to be cast right away, nor does it need to be cast in the chamber. If the spell is not cast within 24 hours, however, it is lost.
Room, Secret, Chamber
Parent Location


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