Exaltation Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


The bastion of Exaltation is the tallest and most heavily defended structure in Candlekeep. From the citadel's stone battlements, one can see over the walls of Candlekeep in every direction.   The Avowed live in Exaltation, and visitors are not welcome here unless they've made an extraordinary donation or performed a special favor for the Avowed, in which case they're allowed a room and given strict instructions not to wander the halls without their assigned guides.   The halls of Exaltation connect to its classrooms, kitchens, bakeries, dining halls, shrines, workshops, offices, study halls, scriptoriums, and dormitories.   Bells rung at dawn mark the beginning of everyone's daily routine, and bells rung at highsun and sundown signal the serving of lunch and dinner. These bells also denote the changing of the guard at the eastern gatehouse and the Emerald Door.
Room, Religious, Aisles
Parent Location


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