Garaele Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Garaele was a worshiper of Tymora, and spent much time caring for the Shrine of Luck. However, she had a strong desire to travel and do good for the people of Phandalin, and was known to leave town on adventures. She was also an agent for the Harpers for many years.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The young acolyte of Tymora was said to be zealous. She was known to exuberantly preach anywhere and everywhere, including in peoples' homes, but she was nevertheless well liked by the folk of Phandalin because she was a fundamentally good person. She despised the local terrorists, the Redbrands.   In 1488 DR, high-ranking members of the Harpers made contact with Sister Garaele. She was tasked with confronting the banshee, Agatha, and had to ask her about the location of Bowgentle's Book, a renowned spellbook. However, Agatha did not appear to the young harper, and thus she failed in her quest. She returned to Phandalin exhausted and wounded from her adventure.   Instead of going to confront the banshee again, she planned to find an intermediary to exchange a jeweled comb with Agatha for the information. Garaele believed only a true flatterer would be able to convince the banshee to give up the information. She found the true flatering group in the Sizable Problems. The party sent Jezebel and some goblins to solve the issue.
Current Location
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