Grandfather Walrus Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Grandfather Walrus

Grandfather Walrus was a totem spirit worshiped by the Ice Hunters.   It was forbidden for those Ice Hunter shamans who worshiped him to eat walrus meat or fat, wear anything made from walrus, or otherwise harm a walrus. However, those shamans that worshiped him could call upon tusks of strength once each day, summon walruses to their aid twice a tenday, and eventually even shapechange into a walrus twice each tenday.   Additionally, iceguardians who revered Grandfather Walrus alongside Ulutiu also could call upon the tusks of strength once each day. It was noted that such worshipers, whether shamans or iceguardians, who called upon this power frequently began to look like walruses themselves.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Elemental, Time
Divine Classification
Totem Spirit


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