Ulutiu Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Ulutiu (/uːˈluːtiuː/ oo-LOO-tee-oo)

The Eternal Sleeper Ulutiu

Ulutiu was a lawful neutral demigod of glaciers, frozen seas, polar environments, and arctic dwellers and the father of the Giant-Kin races. The Eternal Sleeper was in a state of voluntarily-induced slumber, not quite dead and alive enough to grant spells but floating unconscious through the Astral Plane. It was the necklace of The Lord in the Ice that created the Great Glacier when he sank himself beneath the Cold Ocean.

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Arctic dwellers, Glaciers, Polar environments

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Necklace of blue and white ice crystals

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ulutiu's avatar appeared as a rather short human with icy blue skin and thick limbs and digits. He had a round face, incredibly deep blue eyes, a flat nose, small ears, and black hair.  


Ulutiu occasionally manifested as a perfect circle of ice near the shore of the sea, which his followers would flip and divine meaning from according to the cracks and protrusions on the bottom. He expressed his displeasure with icequakes.

Special abilities

Ululitu's avatar had always had an immunity to cold, after his imprisonment he developed an aura of deadly cold as well.

Specialized Equipment

Ululitu often appeared with a huge spear called the Harpoon of the Cold Sea.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ulutiu's true origins were unknown. Some believed he may originally have been mortal[4] while others believed he was always divine, whether he was an avatar of some other god or a refugee entity from another world. Regardless of his origin, he spent several years wandering the north before discovering the Cold Ocean, which was unusually calm. He created a barge of ice and sailed across it silently contemplating the universe.   Around −25,500 DR Ulutiu began an affair with Othea, wife of Annam All-Father, leading to the Firbolg, Fomorian and the Verbeeg. Ulutiu voluntarily exiled himself from Faerûn in −2550 DR when his affair with Othea was discovered by Annam. According to Skrom Jek's The Meanderings Upon the Friezes of Hotun-Shûl, Ulutiu's corpse was placed on a barge that floated into the Cold Ocean and when it sank, his magical amulet froze the water, creating the Great Glacier and the Endless Ice Sea, a process which took 75 years.   Since Othea's death, Ulutiu seemed content to stay away from Toril, but he would likely return if Othea could be brought back.   During the Spellplague, the goddess Auril had taken the body of Ulutiu and kept it in her realm within the Deep Wilds.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ulutiu preferred solitude to the company of others, and spent much of his time in contemplation and meditation. Despite this, he truly loved Othea and remained devoted to her even in death.


Contacts & Relations

Ulutiu's only true relationship was with Othea, and he despised Annam for parting them. While he had no prior disputes with them, both Auril and Umberlee had overlapping portfolios, so he would likely come into conflict with them if he were to wake. Auril had also taken Ulutiu to her realm within the Deep Wilds and was slowly siphoning power from him. This was not enough to wake him, but would continually weaken him to the point of death, at which point she could subsume his portfolio.
Divine Classification
Lawfull Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eternal Sleeper,
Father of the Giants' Kin,
The Lord in the Ice
Current Residence
deep blue eyes
black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
icy blue skin

Articles under Ulutiu


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