HH: Session 5: Objective; Take

General Summary

A Dark Morning and a New Task

As the band awoke, the familiar scent of ash and sulfur signaled the arrival of Vilus. Appearing before them, he congratulated the group on their recent performance, though his praise carried an ominous tone. Without much preamble, he gave them their next task: they were to travel to Gladehap, a settlement to the north, and meet with one of his allies, Hazirawn . He provided little additional information, leaving the group to ponder what awaited them.   Feirah, avoiding the questioning gaze of Elphariel, led the band as they set out on the road to Gladehap.   The journey north eventually brought the band to Gladehap, a village nestled in a dell where a lake once stood. As they approached, they were stopped by guards dressed in black and purple, their insignia resembling a twisted version of Netherese symbols. After confirming their identity as 80+ DB, the guards allowed them to pass, escorting them to the grand hall.   Inside, the atmosphere was tense, filled with soldiers, merchants, and guards all keeping a wary eye on the proceedings. At the far end of the hall, seated on a throne of purplish obsidian, was a blue Dragonborn with a piercing gaze. Beside him rested a black sword with lines of purple energy running through it, like the art of kintsugi. The Dragonborn, introducing himself as Hazirawn, welcomed the band with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.   After dismissing two hooded figures who had been speaking with him, Hazirawn addressed the band, pulling them aside to discuss their next mission. They were to retrieve an Artificer named Tomas from Suzail’s Arcane Forge and bring him back to Gladehap. He offered no details as to why Tomas was needed, but he did provide directions to The Osculatory, a place known as the Kissing Club, where they could rehearse for their upcoming performance for the queen.   With little choice but to accept the task, the band set out for Suzail once more.   The road to Suzail was not without peril. As they crossed a narrow bridge, a group of mages clad in crimson robes ambushed them, declaring themselves as members of The Crimson Veil. The bandits demanded the party’s valuables, summoning a massive Water Elemental to intimidate them.   The band of 80+ DB, however, was not so easily cowed. They quickly dispatched the mages and their elemental, leaving the would-be robbers scattered and defeated. Without lingering on their victory, they continued their journey to Suzail.   Arriving in Suzail, the band made their way to the Osculatory, where they were informed that they would perform that evening. However, Munta pron, acting strangely and now referring to himself as "Raxë," suggested they visit the Arcane Forge first to secure Tomas.   The Arcane Forge was a marvel of engineering, filled with the hum of machinery and the sharp scent of molten metal. Inside, they found Tomas, a Human artificer deeply engrossed in his work, his attention divided among several rings he was inscribing simultaneously. Mechanical statues of dragons loomed around the workshop, adding to the sense of unease.   The band attempted to convince Tomas to accompany them to Hazirawn, but he dismissed their requests, stating that if they wanted something, they could take it there. A sense of hatred came over Elphariel as Tomas kept refusing and without any thought from her and she attempted to knock Tomas unconscious to simplify their task, but her attack failed.   As Tomas turned to face them, his eyes glowing with anger, a suit of shimmering armor began to envelop his body. The mechanical dragons in the workshop came to life, their eyes glowing red as they prepared to defend their master. The ground trembled as something massive moved toward them from behind a set of closed doors.  
Thus, 80+ DB found themselves facing a deadly confrontation, one that could determine the very course of their fates. As they stood in the Arcane Forge, surrounded by enemies on all sides, they would need every ounce of skill and cunning to escape the Infernal web they had been caught in.
Hellish Harmonies
Munta pron
Report Date
13 Aug 2024
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