HH: Session 7: The Purple Wedding

General Summary

In a realm where shadows and secrets intertwine, the tale of the band 80+ DB continues to unfold. After Elphariel's return from the dark meeting with Vilus, the group settled in for a night’s rest within the halls of Gladehap. But as dawn broke and the band gathered for breakfast, the familiar stench of ash and sulfur heralded Vilus' arrival once more. His presence filled the room with an ominous weight as he laid out their next task.   "The wedding is in three weeks," Vilus began, his voice dripping with sinister intent, "where you will perform. But instead of indulging in pointless distractions, you have another task to fulfill. You will perform before the War Wizards in the Mage Keep, and during your performance, you will gift them rings—just as you have done before."   With a wave of his hand, ten rings appeared on the table. Without further explanation, Vilus vanished, leaving Feirah to gather the rings as the band prepared for their journey to the Mage Keep. The road was long but uneventful, and after more than a week’s travel, they found themselves standing before a small village, overshadowed by a towering keep adorned with arcane runes—protection spells, no doubt.   As they approached, two guards stopped them, demanding to know their business. Introducing themselves as the famed 80+ DB, they were met with puzzled looks. But just as doubt began to creep in, a mage descended the stairs, recognizing them as the entertainment expected by those within. With the guards dismissed, the band was led into a grand chamber where ten mages awaited—their intended targets.   Before the performance began, Kai and Feirah devised a cunning plan. They would personally greet each mage, offering the rings as tokens of goodwill. All but one accepted the gifts without question, but even the reluctant mage was soon wearing the ring, thanks to a clever distraction involving a fog cloud and Munta pron's mesmerizing dances.   The performance went off without a hitch, and with their mission seemingly successful, the band spent the night in the keep. The next morning, they were hastily escorted out, their task complete, and they made their way back to Suzail, where the Kissing Club awaited their return.   The city of Suzail was alive with anticipation, preparing for the grand wedding. As the band navigated the bustling streets, they noticed posters bearing Tomas' image—evidence that his disappearance had not gone unnoticed. Closer to the palace, they found posters of their own band, a reminder of the fame they had once sought.   Upon entering the Kissing Club, they were greeted by Aveline Silversong, the club’s Cosmetologist, who informed them that she would be designing new, more formal outfits for the wedding. With their clothing preferences made known, the band was told they would perform for the next three nights, perfecting their act before the big day.   Three days passed, filled with music and rehearsals, until finally, the day of the wedding arrived. As the band readied themselves, the foul smell of ash and sulfur returned—Vilus had come again. He left them with a cryptic message: "You'll know it's time when the night is torn by fire and the air fills with the sound of terror. They say the brave shape their own destiny. Let’s see if the damned can forge theirs in fire and blood. Try not to disappoint me."   With those words lingering in their minds, the band made their way to Castle Obarskyr, where the royal court was abuzz with wedding preparations. The grand hall was dominated by the Dragon Throne, with tables and a stage set for the evening’s events. As the band moved down the aisle, Feirah noticed a seat reserved especially for her, while the others received a final command from Vilus: "Elphariel does the final blow."   The performance began as the guests assembled, culminating in the queen's marriage. But as the band struck the final note of their encore, something strange occurred—their instruments played a song they had not chosen: The Rains of Castamere. At that moment, Vilus, disguised as a nobleman, revealed himself to Feirah, warning her not to intervene if she wished to protect her grandmother.   Suddenly, explosions rocked the distance, followed by the panicked screams of the crowd. Four mages summoned walls of fire, separating the band and the queen from the guests. The band's clothing turned crimson, and they sprang into action. Argus teleported Elphariel directly in front of the queen, just as the guards surged forward in defense. Feirah, desperate to stop what was unfolding, rushed toward her grandmother, but it was too late. With a calculated blow, Elphariel struck down Queen Raedra Obarskyr, caving in her skull as the paralyzed queen could do nothing to defend herself.   In the chaos that followed, Vilus, true to his word, whisked Feirah away as the guards closed in. She vanished, leaving behind only the faintest trace of ash. The remaining band members, overwhelmed by the odds, saw no choice but to flee. Each found themselves drawn to Infernal portals that promised escape—portals that held their own dark transformations.   Kai, seeking the power he had long desired, stepped into the flames and emerged as an Erinyes, a devil of terrifying beauty and strength. Munta Pron, free of his burdensome pact, was transported to an unknown forest, somewhere in the vast expanse of Cormyr. Elphariel, urged by Vilus to complete her contract, sprinted into the portal, her body transforming as she crossed its threshold. She emerged as a Narzugon, a fearsome rider of Hell mounted on a Nightmare steed.   Argus and Beppy, determined to find Feirah, followed through their own portal. But what they found was not the Feirah they had known. They arrived in the presence of Vilus, who, with a sneer, handed Feirah a bag of gold—payment for her unwitting participation in the queen's assassination. Overcome with grief and anger, Feirah lashed out at Vilus, striking him before collapsing in tears. Argus and Beppy tried to comfort her, but the weight of their shared actions was too great.   In a moment of tenderness, Argus proposed to Beppy, and as she accepted, Feirah found a letter in her pocket—a final message from her grandmother: Feirah read the letter in silence, her heart heavy with the loss of her grandmother. When Beppy and Argus offered to adopt her, she declined, setting off alone in search of her master, Kenji.   With Feirah gone, Beppy and Argus retreated to the solitude of the woods, hoping to find peace away from the chaos they had helped unleash. Munta Pron, now free from his pact, sought a way back to the Misty Forest, navigating a Cormyr that had turned hostile to all mages. The kingdom, under the iron fist of Baerovus Obarskyr and his new general Hazirawn, had begun a brutal campaign against spellcasters, marking the land with fear and oppression.  
And so, the story of 80+ DB came to a close—not in triumph, but in tragedy. Their final performance, marred by betrayal and bloodshed, left a kingdom in turmoil and a band scattered to the winds. What began as a pursuit of fame ended in darkness, with each member bearing the scars of the choices they made.   As the echoes of their music faded, only one truth remained: some stories do not end in light, but in the shadows cast by the deeds of those who sought to shape their destiny.
Hellish Harmonies
Munta pron
Report Date
27 Aug 2024
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