
Hundelstone was a trade town of 1,200 gnomes, dwarves, and humans located at the western edge of the Spine of the World along the Ten Trail.


Most of the dwarves and gnomes were miners, while most of the humans served as monster slayers (gaining a monthly salary of 100 gold pieces plus 25 gold pieces per monster head), guides and guards to the caravans, or hunters (namely of wolves, raptors, crag cats, and the ever-plentiful rock hares).


The neighboring dwarves of Ironmaster blindfolded non-dwarven intruders in their homeland and forced them through underground passages to Hundelstone, releasing them at night in rough, unfamiliar terrain.


The town's buildings were built low to the ground, with the majority of living space consisting of cellar rooms cut into the rock. In 1366 DR, there were five guesthouses that housed visitors and travelers stuck for the winter because of bad weather in the pass; these guesthouses specialized in dishes made from the plentiful rock hares in the area, namely jugged hare, hare stew, curried skewered hare, and fried spiced hare.
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