Ice Troll Species in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Ice Troll

Ice trolls were a type of troll that inhabited the cold north.

Basic Information


Much like the Scrag, the regenerative abilities of ice trolls would only function when their bodies were immersed in water. Because of this, their lairs were typically found near lakes or rivers.

Biological Traits

Ice trolls stood about 8 ft (2.4 m) tall and weighed around 400 lb (180 kg). They had sickly translucent white skin and if someone got close enough without being eaten they could see pale blood coursing underneath an ice troll's skin.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ice trolls typically mated in the springtime and gave birth around the fall.

Ecology and Habitats

Ice trolls were commonly found in the Unapproachable East, along the Spine of the World, on the Great Glacier, and in the Icespire Peak. In the Sea of Moving Ice, they were often known to lair inside ancient ice-locked ships.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The blood of ice trolls was often utilized by other races in the manufacturing of frostbrands and rings of cold resistance.   Their hearts could be removed from a troll's body as long as their regeneration was nullified. The heart was continuously cold after its removal, and offered a form of regeneration upon its consumption. If an ice troll's heart was planted into the earth, it would conjure forth a vicious blizzard that would last for a matter of hours. It could also be used to formulate a potion of cold resistance.   Some hags were known to perform rituals on their hearts, turning them into magical talismans with an effect similar to brown mold.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Like all trolls, they were meat eaters and would gladly consume anything, even humanoids. What set them apart however was their ability to craft (and use) weapons and armor skillfully. They prefer armor made from the scales of Remorhazes or White Dragons.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The ice trolls that lived in the Icespire Peak had a long history of collaborating with their local Frost Giants, enjoying the carnage and carrion that accompanied their raiding parties.
Average Height
8 ft (2.4 m)
Average Weight
400 lb (180 kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sickly, translucent white skin


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