Kelvin Duarol

King Kelvin Duarol

Kelvin, full name Kelvin Duarol, was a Frost Giant and the namesake of Kelvin's Cairn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thousands of years prior to the 14th century DR, Kelvin wielded the Crystal Shard, an artefact of immense power. The Frost Giant king founded a kingdom built upon the ruins of Ostoria, which now lie in ruin.  

Rumors & Legends

According to the legends of local barbarians, Kelvin was a hero of the frost giants, but once caused Tempus to become enraged. Tempus himself battled and slew Kelvin. The god of war gathered stones from around Icewind Dale and piled them atop the body of the Frost Giant warrior. This mound of rocks marked this place as the site of Kelvin's death, and hence was given the name Kelvin's Cairn.
Place of Death


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