Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale was an arctic tundra located in the Frozenfar region of the North, known for being the northernmost explored region in all of Faerûn. It earned its name from the harsh winds and icy storms that destroyed buildings and scoured the landscape.  
“If I could choose what life would be mine, it would be this life that I now have, at this time. I am at peace, and yet, the world around me swirls with turmoil...The reality of existence here in Icewind Dale is harsh indeed, an environment unforgiving, where one mistake will cost you your life.”
— Drizzt Do'Urden.


The dale was located south and east of the Trackless Sea, north of The Sword Coast and Spine of the World mountains, and west of the icy Reghed Glacier.   It was primarily accessible by the Northern Means, the road that extended north from the coastal city of Luskan.

Fauna & Flora

Icewind Dale was home to animals like hares, arctic foxes, reindeer, and elk, along with beasts like crag cats, mammoths, polar bears, saber-toothed tigers, snowy owlbears, and monstrous yetis. Beyond the wild animals were packs of scavenging Gnolls, Icewind Kobolds, and ravenous Ice Trolls.   Other dangerous creatures found throughout the region included elementals known as air weirds, undead spirits known as coldlight walkers, monstrous Remorhazes, warring bands of Frost Giants, and perhaps most-terrifying, a number of White Dragons,   There was scarce plant life to be found throughout the region, save for a solitary forest and the Great Oak around which a lone town was founded. Sacred winter plants, and especially hardy lichen was among the notable types of flora that managed to endure the frigid elements of Icewind Dale.


The history of Icewind Dale was one of malign influence and warring conflict. Over the centuries, the region was repeatedly conquered and re-conquered by despots and would-be monarchs, and continuously corrupted by evil powers from far off realms and other planes of existence.  

Early History

Millennia before the Era of Upheaval, the great Frost Giant Jarl Kelvin Duarol came into the possession of the Crenshinibon. This ancient and evil artifact crafted by seven powerful lichs allied with the Demon lord Errtu, and was first brought to Toril in the far-off continent of Zakhara. Kelvin attempted to use the power of the Crenshinibon to forge a new frost giant kingdom atop the ruins of ancient Ostoria but was ultimately unsuccessful. His schemes attracted the anger of the god Tempus, who in turn slew Kelvin and interred him beneath stones piled atop the snow-covered lands.   In −2100 DR, Illuskan refugees first migrated to Icewind Dale and settled. Their descendants came to found the original Reghedmen Barbarian tribes. Over time, they were joined by Northlanders who ventured north along The Sword Coast in longships.   Centuries before the Era of Upheaval, Arakon the Arch-Mage attempted to conquer Icewind Dale with his army of mercenaries. Over the course of weeks, he butchered and enslaved the people of the Uthgardt and Reghedmen barbarian tribes. Jerrod, a warrior-shaman of Tempos―the local name of Tempus―rallied the tribes that remained, and together they turned away the mercenary army. Desperate to to still achieve victory, Arakon conjured a portal and summoned a horde of demons from the lower planes. In order to save his people, and all of Icewind Dale, Jerrod threw himself into the portal, sacrificing his life and preventing the fiends from overwhelming the region.   Less than a generation later, Kresselack the Black Wolf emerged as a great leader among the barbarian tribes of the dale. He slaughtered many in his own campaign of conquest, but managed to unite the tribes within a single kingdom for a brief time.   The collective settlements of the Ten Towns were founded some time during the 11th century DR. Bryn Shander was the first among the towns to attract adventurers, businesspeople, or other folks looking for a second start to their life.  

13th Century

Circa the Year of the Moat, 1269 DR, Damien Morienus, a former master of the North Tower of the Host Tower of the Arcane relocated to Icewind Dale. He was a powerful necromancer who was using the local barbarian tribes for his horrific experiments. Eventually, he summoned demons to exact revenge on his enemies. The monsters used their Infernal magics to summon hellfire that melted all the snow away. The areas to the Northwest of Ten Towns and the shores of Maer Dualdon suffered the most by floods and permafrost's melting, killing a barbarian tribe, and the inhabitants of the Accursed Tower that sank into the mud. This disaster later became known as the Great Thaw by the locals. Most never learned about the true nature of it believing it to be a natural event.   Just over a decade later, in the Year of the Cold Soul, 1281 DR, the devil Belhifet himself attempted to conquer Icewind Dale. Belhifet had been imprisoned on Toril by the tanar'ri superiors for punishment regarding a blood feud that threatened to disrupt the infernal hierarchy. Belhifet was contact by the Crenshinibon, a malevolent artifact lost to the ages of time. The Crenshinibon allowed Belhifet to awaken from his icy prison and raise an army to conquer the region. While The Fiend managed to briefly freeze over the settlement of Easthaven, he was banished back to Avernus by the intrepid adventurers.   Later that same year, barbarian lord Wylfdene claimed to be a reincarnation of the famed Uthgardt hero Jerrod. Backed by the claim, and secretly possessed by the vengeful spirit of a White Dragon Icasaracht, Wylfdene built an outpost on Bremen's Run and guided unite tribes against the Ten Towns who took rightfully barbarian lands. He helmed several battles against the warriors of the Ten Towns and dwarves of Clan Battlehammer until the same group of adventurers arrived to resolve the conflict peacefully. Diplomacy failed and Wylfdene was slain. Despite the fact that Icasaracht's possession was unknown to most and forgotten by the history books, the adventurers traveled to the spirit's lair and destroyed her.  

4th Century

Yet another monstrous army was raised in Icewind Dale in the Year of the Griffon, 1312 DR, by the children of the fiend Belhifet. The cambions Isair and Madae founded the Legion of the Chimera, a horde of monstrous half-breed creatures that rallied at the Severed Hand fortress. The legion fought a number of battles with the militias of the Ten Towns, and were ultimately vanquished by a group of mercenary adventurers.   In 1351 DR, Heafstaag and his group of barbarians fail to conquer the settlement of Termalaine in their massive sweep of the Ten-Towns. In this same year, the Crenshinibon, a powerful magical item lost to the ages, was found by Akar Kessel, an apprentice Wizard of the Arcane Brotherhood from Luskan. Over the next few years, Kessel amassed an army of goblinoids, trolls, and giants and allied himself with the demon lord Errtu.   Five years later, in the Year of the Worm, 1356 DR, they newly-named "Tyrant of Icewind Dale" attempted to conquer all of Icewind Dale. Kessel and his forces were thwarted by the Companions of the Hall adventurers, the dwarves of Clan Battlehammer, and allied folks of the Ten Towns, in a great conflict known as the Battle of Icewind Dale. The Crenshinibon was destroyed in the battle, and its malevolent 'demonic magic' afflicted the native chardalyn in Icewind Dale.   Several powerful individuals attempted to seize power following the defeat of Akar Kessel's army. Notable among them were Jarl Utaar Kelvinsson, a mad beholder called Hagedorn, and even Levistus the Prince of Stygia in the Nine Hells.   After the dwarven fortress of Mithral Hall was reclaimed that same year, several hundred dwarves relocated to the settlements of Icewind Dale.  

15th Century

A storm in 1473 DR caused a wave on Lac Dinneshere to destroy the docks of Easthaven and several of its ships, as well as their crews.   On Eleint 3 in 1485 DR, corrupted chardalyn—referred to asblack ice―was discovered in Icewind Dale. The substance had a corruptive influence on anyone that handled it or came within close proximity. Soon after, Akar Kessel returned as a Lich, and raised hordes of zombified dwarves and began assailing travelers and caravans that crossed the snowy landscape of the realm.


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