Lliira Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Lliira (lɪərɑː/ LEER-ah)

Lliira , Goddess of Joy

Lliira is a beloved goddess, a deity of contentment, release, joy, happiness, dance, and freedom. As the patron of festivals, she is honored at any celebration, and dance is the primary way to worship her. The Mistress of Revels is said to abhor violence, and any fighting or drawing of weapons (except in ceremony) at a celebration will cause her to withhold her favor. Her priests and priestesses, known as joybringers, take it as their mission to make other people happy, even if just for a moment.   Her faithful always wear at least one clothing item of a bright, cheerful color, and her priests' vestments have more in common with festival attire than with somber ecclesial garments. Rubies and sapphires are sacred to Our Lady of Joy, and her priests bless anyone they see wearing such adornments.   Lliira's followers aren't frivolous, however. To them, divine joy is a very real gift to the world of mortals, and one much needed. To that end, they fight those who would bring misery to others. They are fierce against their foes, and joyous revelers when their work is done.  
The arrow shot, sweet triumph strikes she home
Into the breast of heroes, who no more shall roam.
To the winds fly wits – ambition o'er leaps the stars!
Our court we pay to Lliira – not to Shar.
Luccio of Lomatra

Divine Domains

Portfolio: Joy, happiness, contentment, dance, freedom, release, festivals
Life Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Our Lady of Joy
The Mistress of Revels


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