Matreous Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil


Cursebreaker Matreous

Matreous is a wise and experienced sage who specializes in the application and removal of curses. As an old human, he carries himself with a quiet confidence and a deep understanding of the magical arts. He wears traditional robes and glasses, lending him an air of scholarly authority. Everywhere he goes, he casts the spell Detect Magic, allowing him to sense any magical energy in his surroundings. With his vast knowledge and expertise, Matreous is a trusted advisor to those seeking to understand and control the mysterious powers of curses and magic.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Matreous is an old human with a weathered face and a greying beard that reaches down to his chest. He has a stooped posture, but his piercing eyes behind his spectacles reveal a sharp intellect and keen perception. His traditional robes are adorned with intricate patterns and symbols, and he carries a staff made of a gnarled piece of wood.
Current Location
Other Affiliations


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