Palace of Waterdeep Building / Landmark in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Palace of Waterdeep


The white marble palace was located at the foot of Mount Waterdeep at the intersection of the Street of Silks and Waterdeep Way. In the courtyard in front of the palace stood Ahghairon's Tower, and just to the north were the palace stables, paddock, and guard barracks.  


The palace featured a Lantanese "golemwork clock" called 'Timehands' that comprised dials on three faces of its highest tower. Two bells of different tones would ring out each hour, marking the hour with their number of rings.

Purpose / Function

The Palace served multiple functions for the administration of the city. It was the main office for many of the city's officials including City Watch, City Guard, and city clerks. The Lords' Court also met in a large chamber on the second floor.   There were embassies here from many other countries and cities, although they were not required to be on the palace grounds. Guest quarters for foreign dignitaries without embassies were also available.


Inside the Palace of Waterdeep was located a rare place of Aoist worship, with a spacious chapel lined with oaken pews. Bright painted plaster walls were decorated with gold, silver, and carved limestone and its marble floors were covered with exotic carpets from Shou Lung and illuminated with jeweled chandeliers. At the center of the furthest wall stood a large intricate stained glass window—the Eye of Ao. It gazed down on the chapel's visitors in radiant indifference.
Founding Date
1287 DR
Alternative Names
Lords' Palace
Parent Location


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