Shadow of a Star
Shadow of a Star (a.k.a. Shadow)
Shadow of a Star, born on another world with his siblings, ruled by dragons. Came to Faerûn and joined the Cult of the Dragon to bring in the same world in which he would be one of the tyrants.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Shadow was born on the continent of Maztica during the time where it was transported to Abeir. During this time he saw the power of the dragon tyrants, and when the continnent returned he and his siblings traveled to Faerûn in search of a better life. During their time on this new continent Ray, Sun and Shadow came in contact with the Cult of the Dragon. Shadow saw what they wanted to do and helped them to rise their ranks. And during the night where he, his siblings and some cultists came into the villa of Arthagast Ulbrinter to steal the White Dragon mask, he killed Arthagast Ulbrinter. But his siblings did not agree with this path and left him.
This moment coincided with the death of Rezmir and seeing as Shadow had an affinity for acid and black dragons he became the new Wyrmspeaker.
Contacts & Relations
Deep inside him he only wants the best for his siblings but will take them out if they come in between him and his destiny.