Shiallia Character in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

Shiallia (/ʃiˈɑːljə/ shee-AL-yuh or: /ʃiˈɑːlliɑː/ shee-AL-lee-ah)

Lady of the Woods Shiallia

Shiallia was a minor Faerûnian deity of fertility and woodlands mostly worshiped within and in the vicinity of the High Forest. Prior to the Time of Troubles, she could occasionally be found in the Neverwinter Woods as a figure rumored to be a powerful druidess, going under the alias "Lady of the Woods". The Dancer in the Glades was the patron goddess of the korreds and a caretaker of pregnant forest creatures, a planter of trees and a nurturer of seedlings.
“Shiallia, a local deity tied to Silvanus and Mielikki. (Be careful not to wantonly destroy seedlings or harm any animal babes while in Silverymoon or the High Forest lest you direly offend her.)”— Volo

Divine Domains

Domains: Nature Domain
Korreds, newborns, pregnant forest creatures, satyrs, seedlings

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tenets of Faith

As a whole, Shiallia's clergy were similar to druids, but with a greater emphasis on fertility. According to her teachings, all life, particularly new life, was to be encouraged and nurtured whenever and wherever possible, and since nature, for better or worse, determined the course of the world, continued survival was the only concern of the creatures that lived in it. The true goal of all life forms was to give birth to new life, but death was not to be feared, for it too was part of the cycle. Though their focus was on forest creatures, their philosophy extended beyond them and included non-evil humans and demihumans.   Shiallia's followers spent their days planting, nurturing, tending to the ill or injured, calling upon the weather, or otherwise taking care of the natural world. Her priests were vagrant, traveling for hundreds of miles wherever natural life was in need of aid before moving on once they did all that they could, almost always returning to check on the fruits of their labor and possibly further cultivate their work. Her clergy was said to watch over those who wandered into the High Forest unaware of its dangers, whether they be lost children or simply fools, thus earning them the occasional mantle of the Silent Helpers.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In 1150 DR a plague struck Silverymoon and nearly halved the populace, which was soon followed by a resurgence of attendance at groves sacred to Shiallia (as well as Lurue, Mielikki and Silvanus), and then sparked the construction of many new temples.   Shiallia aided Gwaeron in his efforts against Malar during the Time of Troubles, spending much time repairing the damage caused by his rampages while the Master Tracker focused on pursuing the Beast Lord.


Contacts & Relations

Shiallia was an ally and servant of Mielikki, and by extension, Silvanus. The relationship between them all, as well as Mielikki's two other servitor-deities, Gwaeron Windstrom and Lurue, was quite familial and supportive. She acted as Mielikki's midwife and local agent within her mortal domain and worked closely with Lurue. She was said to be the sister or daughter (she claimed the former) of the collective forest spirit of the High Forest known as the Tree Ghost and rumored to be the child of the korred god Tapann by way of a brief dalliance dwarven goddess of dance Sharindlar. She was allies with all her alleged relatives and was specifically known to have great kinship with Sharindlar. Her other allies included Chauntea, Eldath, Shaundakul, Nobanion, Corellon, Baervan Wildwanderer, Sheela Peryroyl and Yondalla.
Divine Classification
Exarch | Serves Mielikki
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dancer in the Glades
Daughter of the High Forest
The Lady of the Woods
The Dancing Goddess
Sister Goddess
5​ to ​7 feet


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