ToD: Session 3: Attack on Greenest Report in Forgotten Realms | World Anvil

ToD: Session 3: Attack on Greenest

General Summary

As the party saw Greenest, they decided to help the village and leave Mark and the family behind. As they approached the town they saw 5 humans dash from between two buildings a limping man and three young children and a womand carying a round shield and a broken spear. Chasing after were eight kobolds who fanned out and surrounded the woman. The party saved the woman and slayed the kobolds.  

The Old Tunnel

They continued trough the village they saved more people and killed more cultists and kobolds and eventually reached the keep which was quickly closed. And here they spoke to Governer Nighthill and Escobert and they heard that there was a tunnel leading out. He asked the party for help and safe people outside the keep. They decided to help people by first going trough the tunnel and clearing it of rats. And when they left the tunnel they were ambushed by some cultists. They then went back to report on the succes of clearing the tunnel. And they received the msission to safe the people temple of Chauntea.  


When they arrived at the temple they saw that it was surrounded by cultists who were trying to get in. They killed the backline of the cult and entered the temple. Here they tried to convince the people inside to get out trough the back which failed. But they saw Eadyan Falconmoon, the priest of Chauntea and they convinced here that they should follow them to the keep. Which succeeded and they arrived back at the keep.  

Dragon Attack

After they brought the people back a Adult Blue Dragon named Lennithon started attacking the keep and using his breath weapon to kill the guards. The party went to the parapet and started shooting at it after Sidon his first shot critically landed the dragon decided that it was not worth the hassle and flew away leaving Greenest.  

Save the Mill

After the dragon flew away Governor Nighthill spoke to the party about a mill that was being burned down. He asked if they could try and save it from being burned to the ground otherwise Greenest would not be able to grind flour for months. And that if they were able take one cultist as a prisoner. The party then went to the mill without being spotted and started kiling the cultists around. After they defeated them they surrounded the Mill and went inside, here they were ambushed by cultists inlcuding the leader of the raid; Frulam Mondath. After a hard battle the party managed to kill the cultists and knock out Frulam. They then went back to the keep and rested for a while to regain some health.  

Half-Dragon champion

As the party finished their rest they heard someone shouting outside the wall they saw a figure from the darkness striding into the light. He is seven feet tall and covered in blue scales, its fingers bear wicked claws, and its face has the muzzle and reptilian eyes of a dragon. Multiple kobolds fan out behind him with spears and a woman, teenage boy and 2 children with them. He then hails the keep:
"Defenders of Greenest! This has been a successful night, and I am feeling generous. Do you see these four pitiful, useless prisoners? We have no need for them, so I will trade them back to you. Send out your best warrior to fight me, and you can have these four in exchange."
  One of the soldiers regognize the prisoners as his sister and his children and readies himself to rush and and battle. Nighthall then asked the party if one of them could fight the Hald-Dragon and they agreed and sent Sidon to fight. As Sidon goes outside they see that the Half-Dragon is pleased and sets the three children free but his kobolds still guard the woman. Before the battle Tharkal gave the Flail from Candlekeep to Sidon to increase the ods of victory. It was a tough fight where Sidon almost slew the Half-Dragon but with a lightning breath from the Half-Dragon Langdedrosa Sidon lost. But was not killed only attacked one more time, and Langdedrosa was true to his word and released the woman. Langdedrosa found it a worthy battle and left, following this Kyoshi immediatly went to Sidon his aid to help him get better. And out of the gates of the keep healers came and healed Sidon up. And at the end of the grueling night the party started to sleep.
Tyranny of Dragons
Tharkall Voxen
Lawful Neutral Half-orc (Inheritor)
Barbarian 4
46 / 46 HP
Zarra Koni
Leo Kennedy
Lawfull Good Human (Haunted One)
Wizard 4
26 / 26 HP
Sidon Psári
Lawfull Good Triton (Outlander)
Paladin 4
39 / 39 HP
Report Date
28 Jan 2022
Primary Location


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