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Waterdeep Downtime Activities

Waterdeep, also known as the City of Splendors or the Crown of the North, is the most important and influential city in the North and perhaps in all Faerûn. It is a truly marvelous cosmopolitan city of great culture that attracts the most talented artisans, artists, and scholars from across the Realms, as well as a commercial hub for financial interests along the coast and beyond.   Waterdeep is home to many high level artisins, blacksmiths, wizards, enchanters, and more. As a result players who spend downtime in Waterdeep have access to almost any kind of items, crafting, and training. However, nothing is free in life. Using down time to learn new skills, or craft new items will often require material parts, gold, time, and influence.   Material Parts CR Some items, and enchantments will require material parts. It is assume players are collecting material specimens in their travels. Unless a material component is truely unique or remarkable, or that material can only be found in location(s) that the players have yet to visit, it is assumed that players have acess to material compoents at their current Challenge Rating (CR).   Cost No one works for free. Players may hire a NPC to train them. Pay to buy gear or resources. Hire a blacksmith or enchanter. All these activities have some cost that must be paid by the player characters.   Time Some activites require time. For example if a player character hires a NPC to train them in a new tool proficiency that would require time to practice that new skill.   Influence Some NPC's will not engauge in certian economic activities with the players if the players lack the required influence of the Council of Waterdeep. Examples of things that require higher levels of influence.
  • Griffon Calvary won't train someone on how to ride a Griffon without Council Approval
  • Purchasing, crafting, or enchanting higher level magic items is highly regulated by the council.
  • Training to gain new feats is often done by one of the famouse protectorates such as The Force of Grey. This elite group will not even talk to adventures who do not have the requiset influence of the council.
  • The Xanathar Guild, while not technically associated with the council still requires influence to access its goods and services.
  • Buying property or setting up business in Waterdeep requires council influence.

Weapon and Item Improvements


Characters can improve any weapon or armor provided they can pay the cost and have the required influence of the the Waterdeep Council.

  Uncommon (+1) Rare (+2) Very Rare (+3) Ledgendary (+4)   Upgrading Weapons and Armor">Upgrade Weapons and Armor


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