
The Luruar, also commonly known as the Silver Marches, was a confederation of cities in the north of Faerûn. It was formed under the leadership of Alustriel Slilverhand, the former ruler of Silverymoon, in order to unite the cities against the common foe of orcs and other deadly creatures that had been raiding from the north. The Luruar was closely tied to The Lords' Alliance since most cities in the Luruar were also in The Lords Alliance.  


Citadel Abdar
Citadel Felbarr
Mitheral Hall


The years 1368 through 1370 DR were particularly turbulent for the city-states of the North. Troll attacks, orc hordes, an combined army of demons and barbarians as well as a particularly harsh winter spurred the leaders of those cities to convene a council. After many heated arguments were calmed by Alustriel's diplomatic skills, it was decided that the cities would band together and form a confederation under Alustriel's leadership. Alustriel declared, at the suggestion of Old Night, that the nation would be known as "Luruar" in honor of the goddess Lurue, sometime between the winter and midsummer of 1371 DR. She rejected the suggestions of "New Delzoun", in honor of the fallen dwarf kingdom, and "Alustryr", in honor of herself.   When Alustriel left, her eldest son Methrammar Aerasumé took over and immediately lost the support of Citadel Adbar, Citadel Felbarr and Mithral Hall whose leaders refused to spend effort and resources helping smaller settlements at the expense of their own. Though the three cities remained allies of Luruar, they no longer considered themselves members of the confederation, nor could they be relied upon to answer calls for help.[citation needed]   In the Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR, the Darkening was cast over the region in preparation for the drow and orc invasion.[26] The attacks involved sieges and attacks on Winters Edge, Mithral Hall, Nesmé, and Silverymoon, as well as subterfuge interfering with trade in Blingdenstone. The spell was finally overcome by a band of adventurers, during the battle of Eryndlyn.   Ultimately however, thanks to disagreements following the war, the League of Silver Marches was disbanded in the Year of Dwarvenkind Reborn, 1488 DR. The Silvaeren were blamed for providing insufficient aid for Sundabar, whose surface population had been completely wiped out. As a result, all of the dwarven states left the League of Silver Marches, and without their support, Luruar collapsed.
1369 DR   Disestablished
1488 DR   Capital