Session 10: Hold Person!

General Summary

The party returns to the Vistani Camp. They immediately seek out Madam Eva to learn more about the legendary fanes and the fey beings that guarded them. They attempt another reading but for some strange reason she is not able to read the cards. She senses that someone is scrying on them and thus disrupting her abilities. She recommends they consult with the Vistani they are destined to find in St Marcovia. The party decides to proceed on to Vallaki with Ireena Kolyana  and Ismark Kolyanovich .   The party makes their way towards Vellaki with vampire Ingrid also in coming along. As they travel along the old Svalich Road and cross the pass over the Tser Falls, they see the ominous castle Ravenloft off tot he east as they pass though anther set of large gates similar to those they saw when they entered Barovia.   Just beyond the gates they see a windmill just off the main road and they recall that they now have the deed to this very structure. As they cautiously approach the building they see what appears to be a large Raven warning them away from the place. The group, determined to claim the property as their own, proceed to explore around the outside of the windmill. As they circle behind the structure they find what appears to be one of the Fanes. They approach the stone circle and they are horrified to discover lots of teeth that look like they come from children. They also see a huge rock in the center that appears to be covering up something. The rock is clearly made of a different stone that the rest of the circle.   Olaf decides to attempt to move the rock and Morgantha abruptly appears and asks them to stop. After some convincing, Olaf decides not to move the stone and is invited into the windmill to buy some pies. The group quickly sees that the first floor is where they bake the legendary pies that have become so popular in the land. They also note that there are the signs of human remains, specifically bones, lying around the room where the ingrediantes are kept. Morgantha tries to sell them pies and the party decides to trade a few pies but not buy any new ones. Realizing the party does not want to buy any more, Morgantha and her sisters ask the party to leave. Without warning, Charmin quickly attempts to cast hold person on Morgantha. As he does so it is quickly counter-spelled by one of the sisters and an all our battle ensues.   While the party fought valiently it was quickly obvious that they were outmatched. They were able to get away with only a few people(Olaf) being knocked unconscious.
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
01 Jun 2023