Session 14: Kresk

General Summary

After licking their wounds from the battle earlier in the day with the vampire spawns from Vallaki the party heads off towards the village of Kresk where they hope to deliver Ireena Kolyana  and Ismark Kolyanovich to safety. They travel for several hours where Rictavio thanks them for their help and splits off to the north to return to the tower where he currently resides. The players travel a bit further down the road where they are able to spot a lady spying on them from the woods. They quickly intercept her and learn that she is from Kresk and is searching for a young boy who was kidnapped just hours earlier. She convinces the party to assist her and they track down the scarecrows that kidnapped the boy just a few miles away. As they sit in a pumpkin patch the group quickly devises a plan to attack and take back the kid. After dealing with the scarecrows and the poisonous pumpkin patch they are able to rescue the young boy. The woman reveals that she is indeed the boys mother and she rewards them with gold and a magic coin that always lands on tails.   The party then continues its journey to Kresk with the mother and son in tow. Once there they are initially denied entry at the gates. The party convinces the guard to go and retrieve the burgomaster so they can parlay with him in order to get into the village. Dmitri Krezkov, the burgomasrter of Kresk, appears and quickly tells the party they are not welcome. When the party tells him of their plans to defeat Strahd von Zarovich he seems to double down on his insistence that they leave. He tells the party they have long survived by not supporting or fighting against Lord Strahd. Even given this, the party thwarts the DM's attempt to turn them in another direction and convince him to let them into the town. They are however prevented from taking their weapons. The party first sets off for the large pool of water in the back of the village where they see a gazebo with a statue. Upon approaching Irena seems to recognize the statue and immediately approaches it. She turns and says a few final words to her bother before walking up and embracing the statue. The statue and her quickly start to spin and she is taken off to a place where Strahd can never harm her again. Once again Tatiana, who has been reincarnated as Ireena, can live in peace with her true love Sergie, Strahds brother. As this happens the players hear a lard crack of thunder and lighting coming from the direction of Ravenloft, as if the very wrath of Strahd was echoing through Barovia.   In shock, the party takes Izmark back to the Burgomasters cottage where they have been given refuge for night. They then set off for the abbey at the top of the cliff overlooking Kresk. As they make their way up they are quickly surprised by a werewolf that jumps down across their path. The party quickly realizes they are caught in the crossfire between a couple of worgs who are trying to kill the werewolf. The players kill the worgs and the werewolf gets away but notbefore giving them a reassuring nod before trotting off.   The party continues up to the abby where they encounter two strange creatures who invite them in. The players, feeling quite uncomfortable head back down to rest before adventuring any further.
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
27 Jul 2023