Session 16: The Invitation

General Summary

The party quickly makes its way inside the the winery to the second floor where they try to spot the druid who ran away with the mysterious staff. They are able to eventually capture the druid with a meticulously timed hold person as he attempts to escape. They are able to learn that the druids have come from the druid circle just to the south to stop what that percieve as a perversion of the land by the magic used to make the wine. The players are also able to retrieve the magical staff held by the druid. The druid meets an untimley demise and as the characters delve into the winery they see a figure throw what something into the large vats of whine. The players are able to deduce that the wine has in fact been poisoned.   The party searches the upstairs area of the winery and they find 77 gold as well as a gold locket and a gemstone worth a combined 75 gp. In addition to this they find a painted portrait of a woman whoi turns out to be Davio Marticovs wife. At the moment, the players do not notice the crows keeping watch on them as they loot the patriarchs bedchamber.   The players continue to search until finally they make their way down to the cellar. There they encounter a number of druids who have clearly setup an ambush. As the battle commences the druids appear to freeze almost as if they are frozen in time. A secret door opens in the cellar and out appears Strahd. He appears impatient and slightly agitated as he asks about Ireena and her encounter with the statue of Sergie. He points out that he has aided the party and provided them with assistance by bringing back their friend and in exchange he feels he has been betrayed. As the realization that Sergie and Tattiana have been reunited, he opens a portal and pulls through a young knight. Strahd tells you that you will all "face your fate together" and he turns and leaves.   The party, intrigued by the arrival of the paladin Rickard Von Ostrek, they quickly learn that he was pulled from the land of Faerun. After questioning him they realize that their missions are aligned and they decide to work together until they can find a way to get out of Barovia.   They party, having cleared the winery, returns to Davion and gives him the good news. He thanks them profuselyt and tells them to keep the items they looted from his bedchamber. Syles then finds a way to purify the large vats of whine and the party is rewarded with three barrels of wine. He offeres more but they only have one horse and carriage to carry the goods. The party sets off towards Valaki with payment in hand. As they make their way along the road they see a mysterious carriage. They recognize it as the black carriage that they have seen Strahd in. The carriage pulls up and without a word, the door opens and they are handed a letter. The carriage door closes and it drives off.   The letter is an invitation to dine with Strahd at castle Ravenloft.   The party continues to Valaki where they go to the Blue Water Inn where they learn that the best seamstress in the land works for Lady Whacter. They visit lady Whacters house where they learn that she is willing to make the dress for a barrel of whine and for them to put in a good word with the Bergomaster and his daughter to marry lady whacters son. The party then sets off...
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
30 Aug 2023