Session 24: The Vestige of Divergence

General Summary

Fresh off their victory over the Morgantha at the Bongrinder Mill, the party sets off for Van Richtens tower. Shortly after getting on the road they encounoter Sir Godfrey Gwilym . He tells them that Vladimir Hornguard possesses the Sun Sword and that he is an enmy of Strahd who has gone mad. He mentions that Hornguard wants Strahd kept alive to suffer for eternity here in Barovia. He also mentions that Vladimir Hornguard believes them to be agents of Strahd for their efforts in assisting him with getting a hold on Vallaki.   More importantly he tells the party of an ancient artifact, the Jewels of the Three Prayers. It is one of the fabled Vestiges of Divergence. Powerful items created thousands of years ago and believed to be forged to give mortals the ability to fight the gods. He tells them that Gerlin Frothbane was hired to get theitem for Strahd and it is on its way to be delievered. He tells the party that if they are truely here to defeat Strahd they should do everything in their power to stop him from getting it.   The party immediately sets off to find Frothbane at theVistani camp near Vallaki. Once there they accertain that he has already delivered the item to Strahd, or one of his minions. It was picked up less than an hour ago. The party takes off after the Jewels, but as they leave the camp, they see Strahds black carrage apprach the Vistani camp. Once there, Rahadin starts to attack Arrigal and his brother, killing them. The pary intervenes and as they engage Rahadin, Strahd himself joins the battle. The party quickly runs away but not before Sylas is knocked unconscience and the Icon of Ravenloft and the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind are taken.   Strahd goes in tent the tent where Frothbane was staying and the party flees. After a short time they return and go to Frothbanes tent. They learn that Strahd sold him the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind for 10,000 gold. Upon learning of the events that just took place, Frothbane leaves the tent and returns a short time later, bringing with him the fallen Vistani leaders Arragol and Lucien. He tells the party that he will sell the Symbol back to them at cost, however he is not staying here in Barovia. He gives the symbol to Attagol and instructs him to give it to the party once they bring the gold.    After discussing the combat they are quickly able to determine that none of ther than Ezmerelda is the one who stole the powerful Vestige from Strahds men. The party, knowing that Esmerelda is probably at the old wizard tower that Rictavio was staying in, head out for the wizard tower after resting up.   When the party arrives they see an old tower with a brightly colored wagon sitting outside. The party invetigates the wagon and determines that it is magical and can summon horses to carry it. The party also, after some time, figures out how to access the tower through the riddle on the front door. Inside the tower, the party learns of a powerful wizard Khazan used to inhabit the tower and he left in a hurry to take there red gem to a place called the Amber Temple. They learn this from none other than a statue that is the bust of Khazan. They also learnt that Khazan eventually became the lich Exanthater.   Upon leaving the tower, the party attempts to open the carraige and it explodes in fire. Shortly after they see Esmerelda running up to the tower with Strahd in hot persuit. Strahd, always full of tricks, brings with him Rictacio who was recently raised as a revenant by Strahd. Strahd is able to take the Jewels of the Three Prayers from Esmerelda after successfully charming her. Once he has the Jewels he commands Esmerelda and Rictavio to kill the party as he makes his escape. Esmeralda quickly chases the party to the tower where the spell is broken by the antimagic field around the tower.    She is able to convince Rictavio not attack and he is able to resist Strahds compulsions to do so. He leaves, heading back to Ravenloft, as the party rests up and tries to figure out where to go from here.
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
26 Oct 2023