Session 26: The Return to Vallaki

General Summary

The party is awakened at the beginning of their rest to a strange being mysteriously dispelling their tiny hut. The party quickly mobolizes and is able to defeat the crafty Alhoon that is hunting them. They party then attempts to rest again and they are attacked by a nasty Bodak. Barely escaping the party starts to exit the hold when they are encountered by Sir Godfrey and a trio of other revenants.    Sir Godfrey pretends not to recognize the party and they quickly pick up on his ruse to decieve the other revenants. Knowing the parties intentions he brings them to speak with Vladamir Hornguard. Vladimir warns the players that should they attack and defeat him, he will continue to come back as a revenant and haunt them for all time. He also warns them not attempt to kill Strahd since he is trapped in a hell of his own making.   He charges the team with taking back Vallaki! He blames them for its fall and asks them to show their true worth and intentions by slaying Lady Wachter. Rickard, having recieved a divine message, is guided to head Vladimirs suggestion of revenge and off the party goes.   The party quickly makes their way back to Vallaki and rest at the Vistani camp just outside. After hours upon hours of planning and scheming about how best to approach the town, they decide to simply walk up to the front gate. A clever suggestion spell entices the guards to let the party in and to allow them to go to Wachterhaus.   Upon arriving they apprach the front and quckly are confronted by Izek Strazni, whome the party had killed at the Vallaki Massacre. Clearly he had been brought back from the dead. As the battle ensues Lady Wachter appears and threatens to cut down the party, however, she is felled by a single stroke of the sword by Rickard.   The party appraches Urwin Martikov and convince him to take over as the leader of Vallaki and he hesitantly agrees. He annonuces to the town the parties great deeds, thus allowing them to roam the city streets unimpeaded.   The party then returns to Argynvostholt to deliver the news to Vladimir. Vladimir, thanks the party, and tells them of the Beacon of Argynvost. He explains to them that the only way to relight the Beacon is to restore the long lost skull of Arghynvost to the mausoleum here at Argynvostholt. THe skull is known to be down in the crypts of Ravenloft. Only then can they be free. The party sets off and they tell him that they will restore the Beacon. He allows them to use the Sunsword, which he wields, to recover the Beacon.    THe party, with their new found loot, set off to find the long lost wizard, presumed to be Mordenakan, to discover how they might get the Beacon and restore the rest of the Fanes.
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
16 Nov 2023