Session 29: A Stroll Through the Crypts

General Summary

The party makes its way into the catacombs beneith Castle Ravenloft. The room is filled with the stench of decay and has over 40 crypts which dominate the room.   The party begins to systematically open each tomb, looking for the crypt with Khazan, knowing that it contains Mordenkanens magical staff. They eventually make their way to the crypt and as they open it they are ambushed by Strahd and several of his undead minions. Strahd attacks the players and then he retreats leaving his undead trolls to attack the party. The party easily defeats them and proceeds to get Mordenkanens Staff along with two black opal gems, which were the eyes of the corps in the tomb, each worth 1000gp.   The party then sets out to find the mystical blade that Mordenkanen promissed to the party for helping him. They know the blade is tied to the Druf family and are quckly drawn to the crypt which bears the family name. As they attempt to open it, once again they are confronted with Strahd, who quickly attacks and retreats, leaving a pair of Death Slaads to menace the party. After a tough fight, they are able to defeat the Slaads and get access to the legendary luck blade, which among other things, will grant its user 1 cast of the Wish spell.   The party then comes accross a tomb with a skeleton that has been magically enchanted. The party is able to ask questions and they determine that one of the most powerful items remaining in the catacombs is in the tomb to the far southeast. The party then continues on to collect the powerful item and discover its power. There they discover an powerful undead knight, which animates and begins to follow the party.    After this the party continues to loot various crypts and tombs until they come by a large crypt that is known to house Strahds brother Sergie. The party enters the crypt and are attacked, this time by Strahd and his consorts. Strahd commands the undead knight to attack the party and once again he flees. The party is able to defeat them in a grueling combat, but once again Strahd gets away. Upon defeating them they find the remains of sergies, wearing a magestic magical armor that the party claims as their spoils.   The party, heavily depleated by Strahds hit and run tactics, is now faced with a tough decision. Do they rturn to the crypts to find more loot? Do they go to Strahds crypt or the crypt of the former king and queen of Barovia? Do they look for the skull of Arghanvaust? Or fo thet just get the hell out?
Ne Plus Ultra
Olaf Torunn
Sylas Silverfern
Neutral Wood Elf (Outlander)
Druid 3
cleric 1
31 / 31 HP
Dahn McSqueegin MySharmin
Perin Goodbarrel
Cormack Bordenhammer
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Sage)
Fighter 1
Wizard 1
20 / 20 HP
Report Date
21 Dec 2023