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Deep Wardens

A ritual, conducted in the utmost secrecy in the heart of Waterdeep and directed to the worship of the nameless Elder Gods, neared completion. Suddenly, the door explodes inwards. Four grim faced and grey cloaked adventurers and an equally grim warlock burst into the room. They slaughter everyone involved without mercy or hesitation, methodically clearing the small complex before destroying every piece of profane literature and unholy component. Afterwards, the leader of the grey cloaks hands a pouch of gold to the warlock. "For your services, Pact Maker." he says with a sneer of derision, turning the title into a slur. "We'll let you know if you can be of further use." The group melts away into the shadows, leaving the warlock to his own thoughts.


Founded by the warlock Ander Greycastle, who knew all too well the corrupting influence of the foul outsiders, the Deep Wardens are a loose organization with a single purpose: To defend Toril from the incursions and meddling of Outsiders. Abberations & minions of the Elder gods are their chief concern and are destroyed without question. Demons, unpredictable and vile, also earn their wrath. Celestials, devils, fey, & elementals are tolerated, so long as they make their visits brief and do not meddle overmuch in the affairs of the Material Plane.

The Deep Wardens operate as a loose collection of independent cells, supported by elite strike forces that respond to any sign of aberrant incursions too strong for a single cell alone. They use the mercantile empire of the Greycastle family as a legitimate front for their clandestine operations. Their true sigil, a sword before an ornate tomb, is known to few and worn by fewer.

They attract a variety of individuals, though Oath of Vengeance or Grey Paladins, Wizards, and Rogues are particularly well represented. Rangers & Druids, even if not members, are respected allies recognized for the expertise needed to strike at often remote locations. Warlocks and those like them are used as tools when practical, but are distrusted and are never allowed to join the ranks. Those who succumbed to the call of power once may yet do so again.


  1. Destroy the alien: We shall not rest until all abberations and the foul gods that spawn them have been removed from Toril.
  2. Secure the Plane: Toril will not be used as a playground for angels, devils, or fey. Watch them vigilantly, and do not allow them to meddle in our affairs. Send them away; with a word if you can, with a blade if you must.
  3. By Any Means Necessary: We must not allow weak wills or petty sentiment to endanger the safety of our entire existence.
  4. Trust Not the Pact Maker: Those who have tasted the seductive fruits of power, entering into Pacts with those Outside, all too easily go back for more. Use them when you can, but never trust them.


Rank Structure


Colloquial term for the "rank and file" guards who secure the various safe houses of the Wardens (CR 1 soldiers - CR 3 veterans). They are vetted and trusted more than your typical Greycastle guardsmen, but these are generally not inducted members and may not be fully aware of what it is they are guarding.


Low level adventurers (2-4) and inducted members of the Deep Wardens, these individuals do most of the footwork of the organization, following up on leads and addressing small threats before they become big ones.


Mid level (5-8) adventurers, hardened operatives who are called in for more serious threats. For every four Tier 2 locations (or for each Tier 3 location), the Deep Wardens have one team of 4-6 Sentinels to be called in at need.


High level (9+) adventurers, elite members who are deployed wherever the aberrant threat is greatest. For every four teams of Sentinels, the Deep Wardens have one team of Guardians. These typically include a spellcaster who can teleport/plane shift the team as needed, and who can establish a teleportation circle at a desired safe house (Costs 18,250 gp & 1 year of effort, per the spell description).


Only the most trusted and established members of the Deep Wardens achieve this rank, which shares its name with the organization itself. The number is not set and is bestowed only by the head of the Deep Wardens. These individuals are given nearly limitless latitude to use Deep Warden resources as necessary to secure Toril.

Cell Structure

Establishing a Deep Warden presence in the city is a multi-step process, beginning with information and ending with elite strike forces.

Tier 1: Informants

Establishes a Greycastle presence (if appropriate) and bribes individuals at all levels of the local social strata. Will provide information on general politics as well as specific signs of aberrant incursion.
Cost: 5,500 gp + 1,000 gp/year upkeep
Requires small town or larger

Tier 2: Agents

  Establishes a safehouse or small stronghold for the Deep Wardens to operate out of. Half a dozen Shields with a veteran lieutenant (Shield or Agent), a few clerical staff & quartermasters, and half a dozen or so Agents of various talents and one Sentinel as a leader. Can respond to low level threats and vet the intelligence gathered by the informants. Uses loot gained from raids to offset the upkeep costs. Can fend off minor threats but cannot withstand a coordinated attack on their safehouse.
Cost: 7,000 gp + 1,000 gp/year upkeep
Requires small city or larger, Tier 1 presence

Tier 3: Sentinels

  Multiple cells have been established throughout the city & surrounding region. The successful business fronts and side activities of the Deep Wardens make the presence self-sustaining, no longer requiring outside subsidies. Comes with a team of Sentinels (see below) dedicated to the region and is typically headed by a Guardian. A T3 presence can handle larger threats and withstand the loss of individual cells. Destroying it requires a coordinated campaign and usually takes significant time to accomplish.
Cost: 10,000 gp - 2,000 gp/year upkeep
Requires large city or larger, Tier 2 presence

Note: Costs are cumulative (i.e. Tier 1 costs 5,500 gp + 1,000 gp/yr. Upgrading to Tier 2 costs an additional 7,000 gp and now incurs a total upkeep of 2,000 gp/yr. Tier 3 costs an additional 10,000 gp but has no yearly upkeep.)
by ImashimeTheDaemon


By Any Means Necessary

Founding Date



Secret, Military

Training Level/Experience

Elite, Veteran


Ander Greycastle

Prominent Members

Ennin Stonehearth


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