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Ander Greycastle

Come now, gentlemen. We are all civilized here. Surely we can come to some arrangement? No? A pity.
— Ander Greycastle, just before blasting a trio of thugs out of existence


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Ander is the son of the declining Greycastle noble house. Ander’s gambling problem, combined with a string of poor investments and business ventures, are predominantly to blame for the family’s misfortunes. While searching through the family library Ander came upon a manuscript describing a ritual that provides great power. Ander performed this ritual, creating a pact with the chained god, Tharizdun. Ander agreed to trade sanity for the power to increase his family’s status through trade and politics.

Ander enjoyed great success and wealth, bringing fortune back to his family for 5 prosperous years. Ander occasionally wondered when Tharizdun would collect his sanity, but did not overly dwell on it. Ander chose to spend his time gambling and seducing women when not directly involved in business. One day his younger sister Mara , a pure and innocent girl of 15 years, became violently paranoid. The girl suffered from constant auditory and visual hallucinations. In his haste to seal the pact, Ander did not think to whose sanity Tharizdun would claim, assuming it to be his own. The Chained God took Mara’s mind to both tarnish a pure soul, and to keep his new servant of use. Ander was wracked with guilt over Mara’s condition and vowed to cure her. Ander confessed the pact to his father, the Earl of Greycastle. His father was rightly furious, but did not banish Ander. The Earl decided that while he did not condone his son’s actions, his daughter’s unwilling sacrifice should not be made in vain. Ander still has access to the family resources and wealth. Ander still negotiates business and trade for the family and uses this as cover for why he is constantly travelling. In reality he is no longer welcome in the family estate and has spent his travels researching a means to save Mara form her madness.

Ander has been attempting to find a way to help his sister for the last 10 years. Through his research, Ander discovered that the only way to cure his sister would be to destroy Tharizdun or force him to restore his sister’s mind. In order to accomplish this, Ander has made common cause with fiendish powers. Short of a true pact, this "gentleman's agreement" gives Ander some protection and support against the Chained God, in exchange for favors and information to the fiends. As a result of his contact with the Chained God, Ander does have some slight paranoia, and has been known to occasionally speak with inanimate objects or animals, but has to this point been spared any serious madness.

The devil communicates with Ander via an imp messenger named Steve. Steve recently informed Ander of a party of adventurers that have foiled the plots of a cult dedicated to Tharizdun. Ander set out to find them.

Physical Appearance

Ander is a handsome, well groomed, tall and slender man, obviously of noble heritage. He has slate grey eyes with black shoulder length hair, a short, well-trimmed salt & pepper beard, and pale skin.


Ander always wears fashionable and well made clothes in addition to his more practical gear. His signature piece of equipment is the Rod of the Pact Breaker.


Ander is a gregarious individual and shrewd negotiator, everyone's best friend and always willing to make a deal. This smiling exterior hides a core of steely determination. His dealings with Tharizdun and the fiends have left him slightly unhinged, with bouts of paranoia and a tendency to speak to inanimate objects.

Goals & Motivations

Ander's primary goal is to restore his sister Mara Greycastle to sanity, thereby righting his great wrong and restoring himself to his family. Beyond that, Ander has founded the Deep Wardens, and organization dedicated to protecting Toril from meddling outsiders by any means necessary.


Ander discovered and joined the Battleborn on the very day they were betrayed by Calm (see Battleborn page for more information). He was led there by the prompting of Steve and ran into Aurum Bearinglight along the way.

After joining the party he has worked diligently to bring about the destruction of Tharizdun and all his works. Ander founded the Deep Wardens on 5/1/1497 and quickly brought Ennin into the fold due to her magical abilities and similar goals.



Contractor (Trivial)

Towards Ander Greycastle



Ander Greycastle

Employer (Trivial)

Towards Mittens




Encountered Mittens in the City of Brass and hired the tabaxi to spy on and sabotage Ice. Has retained contact with Mittens & Shump Thunderstruck in order to offer them interesting jobs in the future.

Shared Acquaintances

Shump Thunderstruck


Chaotic Good
180 lbs
1461 (Luskan)

Other Information

Heir to Greycastle
Battleborn , Deep Wardens
Character Prototype
Blast Warlock


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