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Eternity Sphere

The Astral Plane is littered with the corpses of gods. Most died from a lack of followers. Yet a very few died from methods.
— Morrisey Quill, lecturer at the University of Silverymoon


In the rare works that discuss the Eternity Sphere it is usually pictured as a crystal ball with a swirl of lights in a sea of black visible within. Whether this bears any resemblance to what the completed Sphere may look like is complete conjecture, however.


Study from the Theonomicon, or the spell Legend Lore, reveals the following:

The Eternity Sphere is an object able to contain the power of the gods themselves. It was stolen, and broken into six pieces known as the Shards of Eternity. Five shards represent a facet of divinity: Life, Death, Power, Justice, & Knowledge. When these are assembled together, they make the Sphere which can, according to legend, create a zone in which a deity is made mortal. Even a mortal deity is a force of unbelievable power, however, and killing them is far easier said than done. The sixth and final shard, the Keystone, Shard of Glory, is tied to divinity itself. It is said to enhance the power of the other Five.
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The mechanics are unknown at this time.


The true history of the Eternity Sphere has been lost to memory, and even the Theonomicon includes only hints. It was created eons past, apparently for the purpose of destroying the gods. It was stolen, however, and shattered into the Shards of Eternity, each one a powerful artifact in their own right. The Shards have surfaced throughout history, though few of their owners knew what it was they possessed. The identities of the Sphere's creator & its destroyer are both unknown.



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