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Helm of Lost Hope, Shard of Power

Look upon me and despair. Your day of judgment has come.
— Ragnorn the Dread, shortly before his foes broke and ran in terror


The Helm of Lost Hope is a black iron helm fashioned like a skull with a spiked crown, it's mouth open in a permanent scream.


Study from the Theonomicon, or the spell Legend Lore, reveals the following:

The Helm of Lost Hope, Shard of Power, grants infernal strength to its wielder and inspires terror in his enemies, a terror matched only by the hatred that fills the one who wears it, brooding and plotting in his ruined castle lost in fog and surrounded by the dead.


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Wondrous Item, Artifact, Requires Attunement

  • When attuned to this helm, the wearer gains +2 to their Strength Score and Maximum, becoming visibly more strong.
  • Psychic Terror: As an action, the wearer can cause the Helm to emit a psychic scream, heard only in the minds of its victims. Each creature of the wearer's choice that is within 120' of them and aware of them must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a saving throw is successful or the effects end, the creature is immune to the helm's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
  • Planar Attunement: Faith's End is attuned to Shadowfell and can function as a tuning fork for that plane for the Plane Shift spell.
  • Shard of Eternity: This item is one of the Shards of Eternity. When combined with the other Shards, they collectively create the Eternity Sphere.



This helmet has been used by various warlords and would-be conquerors through the ages. More recently, the being known as Born sought this artifact out as part of his quest to bring bloody vengeance to Zariel.

Following the defeat of Born by the Battleborn , this passed to Sanosha.


Wondrous Item
Requires Attunement


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