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Forge of Flesh


The Forge of Flesh was an arena in the City of Brass, located in the Foundry district large enough to accommodate thousands, the exterior was made of white marble and included statues & frescoes of various mortals locked in deadly struggles. The interior was a sand lined pit, but the coliseum was equipped with extraplanar viewing portals in case combatants were teleported to another plane. Gouts of flame could roll over the arena, usually to clean the sands of the remains of combatants but occasionally to destroy those who have displeased the Sultan. A magical barrier prevented stray missiles or spells from harming those in the stands. The Sultan had his own private viewing box, large enough for himself and several honored guests.

Beneath the stands was the Champion's Hall where those who were to compete in tournaments could train or rest. Each group was given their own room and more could be added magically as necessary. The halls were patrolled by stone and iron golems who ensured that order was maintained. Medics and bartenders were on call to see to the needs of adventurers. In one corner of the room, guarded by a pair of Efreet, was a teleportation circle where combatants would go to be sent to their bout. While in the circle, combatants could hear the sounds of the crowd and announcers above.

Combatants were often given a "Champion's Medallion", a magic item that would allow them to be tracked throughout the planes by those running the tournament. This would allow the crowd to watch bouts that took place on other planes of existence. The medallions were sometimes modified to prevent the death of combatants, especially for large tournaments. This was so the Sultan could attract powerful fighters who might be hesitant if there was a high probability of death. At the Sultan's pleasure, however, some bouts could be decreed to be to the death. This was nearly always the case with the final bout.


The Sultan's Tournament of 1497 took place here. The prize offered was a large sum of gold and Fire's Heart, Shard of Life. Noteworthy combatants included the Battleborn, Ice, and Herculon, son of Tempus. The Battleborn were ultimately victorious.



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