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Rod of the Pact Breaker

I will use any power necessary to destroy Tharizdun and all his works...including his own.


An ebony rod, ringed and capped with a silvery metal claw gripping a green orb.


Wondrous Item (Rod), Very Rare, Requires Attunement by an Old Gods Warlock

Has the following properties as with a Rod of the Pact Keeper +2:

  • While holding this rod, you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your warlock spells.
  • You can regain 1 warlock spell slot as an action while holding the rod. You can’t use this property again until you finish a long rest.

Additionally, the wielder's deep understanding of the bond between old god and mortal has seeped into the rod. It grants the following benefits:

  • Psychic Bypass: If the wielder is a warlock with an old god patron, they can bypass the psychic resistance/immunity for creatures beholden to the same old god.
  • Charm Person (1 charge). When cast in this way, if the creature fails their saving throw they do not automatically realize they were charmed at the end of the duration (though they may still infer it if they are intelligent enough). The rod has 3 charges, all regained at dawn.
  • Dominate: The wielder can instead focus all the power of the rod into a single blast, allowing them to cast Dominate Monster. Each day at dawn, roll 1d6. On a 6, this ability can be used again.


Wondrous Item (Rod)
Requires Attunement
Yes, by Old Gods Warlock
Very Rare


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