Elanil Elassidil

Elanil Elassidil is a famous bard and the Herald of Elventree, holding the office of "Moonsilver".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elanil became the Herald of the area around Cormanthor, taking the office of Moonsilver back in 1367. She is now acting as the regent in Elventree as Dessaer Lord of Elventree is not long for this world.   She has a ready wit but a quick temper, and keeps abreast of all goings-on in Elventree. Although reticent about speaking with strangers, she has a reputation for honesty.   Elanil is strong and confident in her abilities. She is not afraid to give her opinion on a subject, even when not asked. Usually, Elanil quickly gives historical details to support her opinions against those that did not back their opinions with similar evidence. She is able to calm all situations with a single song. Elanil has great diplomatic skill.


Elanil joined the Heralds at an early age and took to the studies wholeheartedly. She spent 80 years studying history, even made some trips to Candle Keep to research some old lineages.
Character Location
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Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Moonsilver of Elventree
Year of Birth
1257 232 Years old
Cormanthor Forest
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Sylvan


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