
The village fo Elventree is idyllic, peaceful, and friendly to nonhumans seeking succor from Hillsfar, particularly elves, half-elves and members of the Harpers. Located east of Hillsfar inside the edge of the Cormanthor forest since 702 DR, it is a place of solace for many escaping the oppression of Hillsfar.


Mostly Elves and Half-elves, but with some humans as well.


In 1372 DR, the half-elf Dessaer was called the Lord of Elventree.   The local Herald office was known as Moonsilver. Elanil Elassidil holds this position since 1367 DR. Her strong song is the heart and soul of the village especially since the elderly half-elven lord of Elventree is not long for this world. The heraldic symbol of the moon elves that populates Elventree is a black oval with the long axis oriented from lower left to upper right, a silver crescent moon drifting downward, trailing silver stars from each of its points.   Elventree has no formal leadership and no formal laws, but nevertheless the inhabitants are able to live in harmony with each other and with the land.

Industry & Trade

Elventree is home to a number of fine bowyers and fletchers, as well as wood carvers. Elventree also produces herbs, medicinal plants, exotic fruit, and tapestries. It importes swords, armor, parchment, wine, and seafood.   Elventree is not on a caravan route and there are no trading houses. Supplies are brought to the town and carried away by trading parties. When the rare caravan does stop in town, it is considered a festival and the community comes together to buy directly from the merchants.


Elventree has been built up with wood on ruins of stone buildings. There is an elegant but natural-looking palace. There are also a number of structures in the branches of trees, which are linked by rope ladders, walkways, and bridges of silver rope and white planks. The ground is reserved for cooking fires and gathering spaces where residents met to pass news or share a song.

Guilds and Factions

The House of the Harp has been in Elventree for generations.   Today the Emerald Enclave, The Lord's Alliance, The Order of the Gauntlet, and the Zhentarim have all set up camps to help with the refugee issue in the area.
Founding Date
702 DR
Related Reports (Primary)


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