
A trade citystate located by the Moonsea, Hillsfar current regime enacts a xenophobic Law banning nonhumans from the city.


As of today 1489 DR Hillsfar is 100% Human.


Laws In the late 14th century DR, the city of Hillsfar was ruled by the iron fist of the wizard Maalthiir and there were two standing "great laws":  
  • Great Law of Trade: Do not interfere with any legitimate trade
  • Great Law of Humanity: Only humans are allowed within Hillsfar.
  Today under the rule of Firt Lord Torin Nomerthal the Law of Humanity has been reenacted.


High walls manned by the Red Plumes.

Industry & Trade

The Great Law of Trade protects all legel trade in and around the city of Hillsfar.

Guilds and Factions

Mage's Guild
Merchant's Guild
Thieves' Guild (membership is not openly known)


The settlement was founded in the Year of the Covenant, 673 DR by elves, half-elves, and humans on the western edge of Tailings Bay. It was originally named Hillsafar after a dwarven clan, but within a few decades, the name was simplified to Hillsfar. The city was founded for three reasons: to trade with the dwarven settlers who had emigrated out of Myth Drannor the previous year to the Scarp at Tailings Bay; to keep drow out of the region; and to maintain a watch over Moander's Crypt. The city was ruled over by council of men and half-elves, as well as representatives of the Elven Court, giving the Elven Court a measure of control over Hillsfar.   In the Year of Thunder, 1306 DR, Hillsfar fought and defeated Mulmaster in the Moonsea War alongside Melvaunt, Phlan, Sembia and Zhentil Keep.   In Kythorn of the Year of the Worm, 1356 DR, during the Flight of dragons that afflicted the region, the largest dragon of the flight attacked Hillsfar and, although slain by the city's defenders, fell into Hillsfar's harbor, blocking it from approaching ships until the corpse could be destroyed. A month later, in Flamerule, Hillsfar joined the military alliance of Cormyr, the Dalelands, Sembia, and Zhentil Keep to oppose the forces of Lashan Aumersair.   Hillsfar as it is known today began primarily in 1354 DR when the wizard Maalthiir, one of the city's councilmen, rose to prominence as its First Lord. Over the next three years, Maalthiir would dissolve the coicil, cement his power by merging various mercenary companies into the Red Plumes, and began a campaing to paint nonhumans as scapegoats for all of the city's problems. At this time, Maalthiir also enacted the Two Great Laws which define Hillsfar.   Hillsfar flourished under the Great Law of Tade, expanding greatly for two decades until 1372 DR when the Shade Enclave reappeared and the Netherese began a series of attacks that would embroil much of Faerûn in war. Allying with Zhantil Keep and the sun Elf House Dlardrageth of Cormanthor to fight in the Dalelands, Hillsfar raised an army and garrisoned the surrounding client villages. Two years later, Hillsfar reneged on its alliance with House Dlardrageth. The sun elves responded by attacking Hillsfar's army ancamped at Standing Stone, crushing the Red Plumes, moving onto Hillsfar to level the First Lord's Tower, and forcing Maalthiir to flee into hiding. Taking advantage of Hillsfar's weakness, Zhentil Keep in turn betrayed Hillsfar and crushed the garrison of disputed Yûlash and invaded Hillsfar's western territories. Within a matter of months, the Zhantilar were at the gates of Hillsfar and Fzoul Chembryl issued terms to surrender by which Zhentil Keep gained control of the Moonsea Ride.   The supremacy of Zhentil Keep was short-lived. In 1383 DR, the Netherese overran the Zhents and razed Zhentil Keep and the Citadel of the Raven. The Zhent troops occupying Hillsfar territoty lost support from their homeland and abandoned their posts. The city fell to chaos for three years until 1386 DR when Maalthiir reappeared with a new force of Red Plumes. Marching to Hillsfar, he reinstalled himself as First Lord. He blamed the fall of Hillsfar on fey'ri of House Dlardageth, a demonic strain of elves, as well as on the freedoms the Zhents had offered to the nonhumans in their ranks. Maalthiir's anti-nonhuman rhetoric played well among the general populance who had suffered in the absence of order. All nonhumans within the city were evicted, including half-humans such as half-elves and half-orcs, and all holdouts were sent to the arena for a month-long series of celebratory games.   In 1394 DR, Maalthiir noted that the elves of Myth Drannor were a very real threat to Hillsfar without Hillsfar's former alliances. To appease the Elven Court in Myth Drannor, he relaxed his policies related to The Great Law of Humanity as applied to the territories surrounding Hillsfar and formed a council made up of humans, half-elves, and elves willing to do business with Hillsfar's neighbors on behalf of the First Lord. This pupet council was little more than a show, but it was enough to encourage renewed trade and a neutrality pact between Myth Drannor and Hillsfar, despite the city's prevalent racist policies.   In 1460 DR, Maalthiir died in a failed attempt to achieve lichdom. In his stead, and ineffectual council of merchants and guildmasters assumed control of Hillsfar. Several members of both the council and the Red Plumes put themselves forward as the next First Lord, leading to fighting in the streets between their supporters. Torin Nomerthal, a commander among the Red Plumes, formed an alliance that became the Tower Guard; the alliance was made up of the Red Plumes, the city's Mages' Guild, various mercenary companies and those pockets of Netherese soldiers whose allegiance could be bought. In 1487 DR, the flying Netherese city of Thultanthar fell upon Myth Drannor, destroying both cities. First Lord Torin Nomerthal, who had renamed the Tower Guard as the Red Plumes, executed the remaining Shadovar and , fearing no elven reprisal, began the second purge of nonhumans from Hillsfar. He also firmly reasserted the Great Laws within the walls of the city, cultivating a manic xenophobia among the Human citizens. Although nonhumans are allowed to live and work outside the city, Torin has since made all nonhumans little better than serfs. Once again, the only nonhumans within the city are found ar the arena, waiting for death or glory at the whim of the baying Hillfarian crowds.

Points of interest

  • The Arena
  • The First Lord's Tower
  • The Docks


Coastal City of the Moonsea's South bank, located north of the forest of Cormanthor.
Founding Date
673 DR
35,000 Humans
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank

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